Leather Knife Sheath

How to create a template for the knife you bring with you Cutting and preparing the leather...

  • How to create a template for the knife you bring with you
  • Cutting and preparing the leather
  • Saddlers seam
  • How to attach a belt hanger if necessary
  • Various surface treatments
At the end of the course each student will take home a custom-made knife sheath for their own knife. (Tooling and decoration are not taught on the course.)
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    Qui trovi altre informazioni sul docente

    Arno Buck

    Arno sets himself the highest standards in all his craft work, and that includes his hobbies of leatherworking and knife making. It was while stitching knife sheaths that he discovered his passion for leatherworking, which has had a hold on him ever since. His projects, often combined with wickerwork, are characterised by clear, modern designs, often using unusual materials.Arno Buck

    Qui trovi altre informazioni sulla sede del corso

    KURSORT München

    Raus aus dem Büro - rein in die Werkstatt!

    Getreu diesem Motto werden in der DICTUM Kurswerkstatt München speziell an die Bedürfnisse der Großstadt angepasste Handwerkskurse angeboten. Teilnehmer lernen in Semester- und Abendkursen den sicheren Umgang mit Maschinenwerkzeugen und setzen das Erlernte in Projektkursen um.

    DICTUM Kurswerkstatt München
    Haager Str. 9 - vierter Stock
    81671 München

    Weitere Infos zur Kurswerkstatt München
    Qui trovi le impressioni dei partecipanti
    • Condizione essenziale None.
    • Durata del corso 1 Tag
    • Avvertenza Material costs are collected by the course instructor (approx. €20).
    • Numero di partecipanti 10
    • Lingua del corso German
    • Responsabile del corso Arno Buck
    • Course Time 9.00 - 18.00 Uhr
    • Datum 14.05
    • Sede del seminario Haager Str. 9 IV. piano, 81671 Monaco di Baviera
    Numero del corso KU5212501
    189,00 € a partecipante

    IVA incl.

    Additional course dates available on request - our lines are open Monday till Friday, from 8 am to 7 pm by telephone on +49 (0)9931 4058-981 or via email to workshop@dictum.com
    Tante altri varianti
    Numero del corso Inizio Fine Località Prezzo  
    Numero di corso: KU5212501
    Inizio: 14.05.2025
    Fine: 14.05.2025
    Località: München
    Prezzo: 189,00 €