Messerklingen und Stahl

Messerklingen und Stahl
Technological observations on knife blades, by Roman Landes. With this in-depth technical book on...
Technological observations on knife blades, by Roman Landes. With this in-depth technical book on metallurgy and factors affecting sharpness and durability, Roman Landes sheds light on the mysteries of blade alchemy. As well as types of steel, heat treatment and blade geometry, objective test methods and optimisation processes are discussed. A must for any ambitious knife maker and collector.
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    Acquista i prodotti Sonstige online su DICTUM.
    • Pagine 176
    • Tipo di copertina hardcover
    • Illustrazione molti disegni e illustrazioni
    • Formato 160 x 230 mm
    • Lingua German
    • Editore Roman Landes
    Codice articolo 713166
    Marca -
    Merce pronta per spedizione immediata, tempo di consegna da 2 a 4 giorni lavorativi circa
    39,80 € per pezzo
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    Messerklingen und Stahl
    Messerklingen und Stahl

    Codice articolo 713166
      39,80 €