Festool Mobile dust extractor CLEANTEC CTM MIDI I

Compact. Mobile. Sophisticated.

Low weight, compact dimensions and a host of innovative details - the new CTM MIDI compact...
Low weight, compact dimensions and a host of innovative details - the new CTM MIDI compact extractor impresses in all aspects and now even extracts dust from dust class M. It has intuitive touch operation, a smooth suction hose and a level storage area for tools and consumables. Manual dedusting and being able to replace the main filter from the outside ensure long-lasting work that protects your health. Includes integrated Bluetooth technology - the mobile dust extractor is automatically started by the Bluetooth battery pack or by the remote control. Also has an internal hose holder, Systainer T-LOC connection and practical cord holder for tidiness and speed. All this together conveniently ensures clean air during service and installation work.
Your advantages:
The first compact extractor for hazardous dust from dust class M with automatic suction hose detection
Saves you a trip to the extractor - thanks to the integrated Bluetooth technology, the mobile dust extractor is started automatically by Bluetooth battery packs or remote control
Mobile: Ideal for use on the go thanks to compact dimensions, low weight and robust chassis.
Intuitive: Touch operation for intuitive control of the mobile dust extractor
Keep working until the filter bag is full thanks to manual dedusting
Internal hose holder for safe and clean transport of the smooth suction hose
Level storage area - ideal for storing tools and consumables
Clever: Simple replacement of the main filter from the outside.
Smooth suction hose with conical geometry for high suction power and seamless processes without catching
External cord holder with folding mechanism for winding up the cord with a simple turn
SYS-Dock with T-LOC for connecting SystainerS in an instant
Bluetooth functionality for extractor, remote switch-on for cordless tools
with manual filter and filter bag cleaning

Main applications:
For hazardous wood dust and mineral dust from dust class M with limit values ≥ 0.1 mg/m³
On-site extraction for electric power tools for minor or brief sanding, routing, sawing and drilling work
Ideal for mobile use in service and installation work and for final cleaning
Suitable for both wet and dry extraction (special wet filter required for wet extraction)
Compact. Mobile. Sophisticated.

    Объем поставки

    High Performance main filter, smooth suction hose diameter 27/32 x 3.5 m AS/CTR, SC FIS-CT SELFCLEAN filter bag, hose garage, cord holder, extraction sleeve with bypass, SYS-Dock with T-LOC.
    Hier finden Sie weitere Details zum Hersteller
    • Версия Bluetooth® functionality for extractor, remote switch-on for cordless tools. Container/filter bag volume 15/12.5 liters. Approved for dust class M. With manual filter and filter bag cleaning.
    • технические характеристики Power consumption 350 – 1 200 W
      Max. volume flow 3,700.00 l/min
      Max. vacuum 24,000.00 Pa
      Filter surface area 3,369.00 cm²
      Rubber-insulated mains cable 7.50 m
      Container/filter bag capacity 15/12.5 l
      Dimensions (L x W x H) 470 x 320 x 495 mm
      Max. appliance socket connected load 2,200.00 W
      Dust class M
      Cable length 7.50 m
      Product weight without accessories 12.80 kg
      Transport weight incl. accessories 14.20 kg
      Drive type Mains
      Technology Bluetooth®
    • Уровень шума и вибрация Пылеудаление: A-скоррект. уровень звук. давл. LpA 70 дБ(A); Пылеудаление: Серия стандартов EN 60335-2-69; Пылеудаление: Погрешность (шум) K 3 дБ
    Класс чистоты воздушной среды M
    Артикульный номер 720856
    Марка Festool
    Cрок доставки прибл. 5-8 рабочих дня
    679,00 € за штуку
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