Мужские перчатки JACKSON, бизон наппа

Готово к отправке, срок доставки прибл. 2-4 рабочих дня

Цвет bыбор:

 Ваш фактический выбор цвета: cognac

Размер bыбор:

Артикульный номер 823596
Марка -
The sturdy JACKSON men's gloves are made of North American buffalo leather. This leather makes...
The sturdy JACKSON men's gloves are made of North American buffalo leather. This leather makes these gloves more robust than other gloves made from different materials and therefore ideal for hunting use but not for manual work. Buffalo leather is soft, yet strong and durable, with a typically distinctive leather structure. Three seams on the back of the gloves emphasise the masculine character of the glove. The incorporated elastic draw-string and the micro-fleece lining ensure a perfect fit and pleasantly warm hands on cold days. They are handmade on hundred-year-old sewing machines in the traditional way.
    • Размер 8
    • Цвет cognac
    • Материал Buffalo leather
    • Количество Come in pairs
    • Категория Men
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    Hier finden Sie weitere Attribute
    • Размер 8
    • Цвет cognac
    • Материал Buffalo leather
    • Количество Come in pairs
    • Категория Men