
Did you know that the active ingredients in wood can be used by each and every one of us as...
Did you know that the active ingredients in wood can be used by each and every one of us as protection against lifestyle diseases, and that ants' architectural designs provided the model for passive houses without insulating material, heating, ventilation, air-conditioning, or refrigeration? Or why forest woodpeckers are paving the way towards the energy of the future? Nature is full of surprise, and is at the same time the best teacher. This book combines rediscovered knowledge with the latest scientific findings and model applications.
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    • Страницы 237
    • Тип переплета hardcover
    • Иллюстрации with many colour photographs and lunar wood calendar
    • Формат 155 x 220 mm
    • Язык German
    • Издатель Erwin Thoma
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