Drückjagd - von der perfekten Vorbereitung bis zum Jagdkönig

What was the battue in the 1980s is driven hunting today. In contrast to declining small game...
What was the battue in the 1980s is driven hunting today. In contrast to declining small game populations, it is cloven-hoofed game and mainly the sows that have taken over many hunting grounds. However, roe deer, red deer and fallow deer have also been taken in large numbers on driven hunts for years. And so many hunters can hardly wait for autumn. This is when the driven hunt season begins each year, which has a very special charm. However, these social hunts involve an enormous amount of effort and organisation. Peter Diekmann, editor of the Deutsche Jagdzeitung magazine, dog handler and enthusiast, as well as experienced driven hunt shooter, shows in this contemporary practical book how things should be done and reveals tips and tricks that can help hunting ground owners and shooters to be successful on driven hunts. The advice ranges from preparation and planning along with recommendations for the right behaviour on the stand and helpful equipment tips for making distance, to interesting facts about clearances, the use of hunting dogs and how to approach game. Includes checklists and sample speeches.
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    • Страницы 160
    • Тип переплета paperback
    • Иллюстрации illustrated throughout in colour
    • Формат 185 x 225 mm
    • Язык German
    • Издатель Peter Diekmann
    Артикульный номер 730795
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