
Изделия от Sonstige

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332 от 334
Mein Selbstversorger-Garten am Stadtrand

Mein Selbstversorger-Garten am Stadtrand

It is amazing what can be grown and how much food can be harvested on a plot of only 700 square metres. The author shows how the principles of permaculture can be successfully applied in practice, even in a small garden. Using his plot...
16,95 €


Артикульный номер 715429

Mein kleiner Permakultur-Garten

Mein kleiner Permakultur-Garten

If you want to harvest a lot of vegetables and fruit all year round in a small garden, you cannot avoid managing the limited plot very well and growing productive, sustainable and aesthetically pleasing crops. The design concept of...
16,95 €


Артикульный номер 715497

Spalierobst im Hausgarten

Spalierobst im Hausgarten

Plant walls, hedges, carports and pergolas. Growing fruit on trellises not only gives your garden an attractive and individual look, it also allows you to cultivate numerous types of fruit in a small area and enjoy plenty of fresh fruit...
16,95 €


Артикульный номер 715498

The Stick Chair Book

The Stick Chair Book

At first glance, it looks like you have to get special wood from the forest, buy a bunch of exotic tools, master a lot of crazy angles and learn high-tolerance carpentry to build a chair that is comfortable, stable and looks like a...
52,70 €


Артикульный номер 715499

Sharpen This

Sharpen This

If you want to be a better woodworker, you need to learn to sharpen. If you want to be a better sharpener, you need to stop paying so much attention to tertiary bevels and carbide formations in steel, and start paying attention to the...
18,90 €


Артикульный номер 730546

Jagdzubehör selber bauen

Jagdzubehör selber bauen

Engineer and passionate hunter Anton Schmid has been working for years on an uncomplicated way to construct raised hides, paying special attention to stability and safety during construction. »Jagdzubehör selber bauen« is a guidebook for...
18,00 €


Артикульный номер 730544

Woodworking Joinery by Hand

Woodworking Joinery by Hand

»Woodworking Joinery by Hand: Innovative Techniques Using Japanese Saws and Jigs« is a ground-breaking woodworking book that introduces a new twist on the traditional hand-cut methods of joint making. With Sugita’s unique method of...
32,00 €


Артикульный номер 714717

Der Jungjägerguide

Der Jungjägerguide

Budding young hunters usually have similar questions when starting out: Which type of training makes sense for me? Do different types of training have advantages or even disadvantages? How do I get to know other hunters in my hunting...
24,95 €


Артикульный номер 715037

Schalen schnitzen

Schalen schnitzen

Carving bowls is an enriching way to create individual and attractive wooden bowls with your own hands and only a limited number of hand tools. Working with fresh, undried wood (green wood) gives beginners and advanced craftsmen an...
32,00 €


Артикульный номер 731823

Einfach scharf »Sharpen This«

Einfach scharf »Sharpen This«

If you want to be a better woodworker, you need to learn to sharpen. If you want to be a better sharpener, you need to stop paying so much attention to tertiary bevels and carbide formations in steel, and start paying attention to the...
18,00 €


Артикульный номер 731824

Kochlust und Jagdpassion - Ein Kochbuch für heimisches Wildbret

Kochlust und Jagdpassion - Ein Kochbuch für heimisches Wildbret

Culinary passion and hunting fervour merge here into an inspiring delight. Creative, diverse, and tailored to the months of the hunting season, the authors have crafted twelve menus featuring select game recipes that entice you to try...
29,90 €


Артикульный номер 715000

Vom Jagdhund zum Jagdgefährten

Vom Jagdhund zum Jagdgefährten

High demands are placed on the training of hunting dogs, as a well-trained dog is an irreplaceable companion during the hunt. However, the perception of the dog within the family pack and the approach to dog training have changed. Today,...
24,90 €


Артикульный номер 715001

332 от 334