Woodbending Basic Course

This course takes a highly practical look at the classic method of wood moulding. All methods of...
This course takes a highly practical look at the classic method of wood moulding. All methods of bending solid wood are explored in the course, ranging from bending thin pieces on bending irons, knotting and twisting thin strips and even more complex devices like the steam box. You will learn all about the properties of different wood types (split and sawn wood, round wood, chamber-dried and freshly harvested wood) and the results they produce. Practical exercises will help you master the various bending techniques. Together we will fashion a number of models, for instance the back rest of a chair, bending and gluing a strip to form a round piece, or twisting squared timber by 90°. All of the participants will make their own bending strip with a template and will produce a curved object. Each participant will make his or her own template with a bending strip of 3 m and will produce an own curved object.
    Здесь находится подробная информация о руководителе курса

    Ernst Maier

    As an independent master joiner, Ernst Maier runs a small, creative one-man workshop in Upper Austria. For more than 10 years he has focused on building natural wood furniture that reflects the forms of nature. Above all, his works are characterised by the combination of natural wood and classic solid wood techniques.Ernst Maier

    Здесь находится подробная информация о месте проведения курса

    KURSORT Niederalteich

    Eine Oase des traditionellen Handwerks!

    Nur ca. 15 Autominuten vom Stammhaus in Plattling entfernt, verkehrsgünstig an der Autobahn A3 Richtung Passau gelegen, bietet sie ideale Voraussetzungen für ungestörtes, kreatives Arbeiten.

    Die ehemalige Stallung der Abtei Niederalteich ist mit

    • Bankraum,
    • Drechselwerkstatt,
    • Schärfraum,
    • Maschinenraum,
    • Küche und Sanitärräumen bestens gerüstet.


    St. Ursulaweg 19
    94557 Niederalteich

    Weitere Infos zum Kursort Niederalteich
    Здесь описаны впечатления
    • Исходное условие Keine.
    • Длительность курса 2 Tage
    • Указание Material included (170 €).
    • Число участников 10
    • Язык курса Deutsch
    • Руководитель курса Ernst Maier
    • Course Time 9.00 - 18.00 Uhr
    • Datum 26.05 - 27.05
    • Место проведения семинара St.-Ursulaweg 19, 94557 Niederalteich
    Номер курса KU2502501
    429,00 € на участника

    с НДС

    Additional course dates available on request - our lines are open Monday till Friday, from 8 am to 7 pm by telephone on +49 (0)9931 4058-981 or via email to workshop@dictum.com
    Много дальнейших вариантов
    Kursnummer Beginn Ende Ort Цена  
    Номер курса: KU2502501
    Начало: 26.05.2025
    Конец: 27.05.2025
    Город: Niederalteich
    Цена: 429,00 €