Изделия от ACME

Acme Combination Dog Whistle No. 642, Black

Комбинированная труба ACME №. 642, черный

Classic dog whistle - a combination of triller No. 560 and the tone No. 211.5. Dog whistles have always been used, especially by hunters to train their hunting dogs. The triller is a stop signal, whereupon the dog lies down, and the...
19,80 €


Артикульный номер 823722

Acme Clicker No. 470

ACME Clicker No. 470

This clicker or cricket is used as an aid in dog training today. Made in England today using the same original machines that were used to make the ones issued to soldiers in 1944, enabling them to identify friendly troops after they had...
24,90 €


Артикульный номер 823723

Acme Double Tone Dog Whistle No. 640, Black, 90 mm

Двухтональный свисток ACME, черный

The classic dog whistle - with single note plus triller. Dog whistles have always been used, especially by hunters to train their hunting dogs.: the triller is a stop signal, whereupon the dog lies down, and the double note is a come...
12,20 €


Артикульный номер 823724

Acme Silent Dog Whistle No. 535, Antique Brass

Бесшумный свисток ACME Нет. 535 Латунь, антикварный

The dog whistle that is barely audible to humans. The proven Acme Dog Whistle No. 535 works in a very high frequency range (5400-12 800 Hz), which is why it produces such a high-pitched sound that humans can hardly hear. If you do not...
36,10 €


Артикульный номер 823726