Practical knowledge about wood glues and adhesives

Practical knowledge about wood glues and adhesives
Functional principles of wood glues, contact adhesives and reaction adhesives Different wood...
  • Functional principles of wood glues, contact adhesives and reaction adhesives
  • Different wood glues and their applications
  • Terms used in adhesive technology and their meaning
  • Solvent-based and solvent-free adhesives, binders, hardeners, filler materials and additives
  • Adhesive force of different glues, analysis of the glues’ strength with glue samples and breaking tests
  • Tips and instructions for professional workmanship and for your own projects
  • Glueing wood with other materials
  • Tools and aids
    Aquí encontrará más información sobre el instructor

    Heiko Pulcher

    The great passion of this skilled carpenter and qualified designer has always been wood and traditional craft techniques. Prior to joining DICTUM, he worked as a freelance writer for several magazines in the woodworking sector. In addition to his own courses, he supports numerous Premium Courses by translating and using a video camera.Heiko Pulcher

    Aquí encontrará más información sobre el lugar del curso

    KURSORT München

    Raus aus dem Büro - rein in die Werkstatt!

    Getreu diesem Motto werden in der DICTUM Kurswerkstatt München speziell an die Bedürfnisse der Großstadt angepasste Handwerkskurse angeboten. Teilnehmer lernen in Semester- und Abendkursen den sicheren Umgang mit Maschinenwerkzeugen und setzen das Erlernte in Projektkursen um.

    DICTUM Kurswerkstatt München
    Haager Str. 9 - vierter Stock
    81671 München

    Weitere Infos zur Kurswerkstatt München
    Aquí encontrará imágenes
    • Requisito Ninguna.
    • Kursdauer 0,5 días
    • Hinweis material incl.
    • Teilnehmerzahl 10
    • Idioma del curso Alemán
    • Instructor Heiko Pulcher
    • Course Time 14.00 - 6 pm
    • Datum 23.10
    • Seminarort Haager Str. 9 IV. piso, 81671 Múnich
    Número de curso KU7112502
    99,00 € por asistente

    incl. IVA

    Additional course dates available on request - our lines are open Monday till Friday, from 8 am to 7 pm by telephone on +49 (0)9931 4058-981 or via email to
    Muchos más modelos
    Kursnummer Beginn Ende Ort Precio  
    Número de curso: KU7112501
    Inicio: 13/6/2025
    Fin: 13/6/2025
    Población: München
    Precio: 99,00 €
    Número de curso: KU7112502
    Inicio: 23/10/2025
    Fin: 23/10/2025
    Población: München
    Precio: 99,00 €