Traditionelle Anstriche

Traditionelle Anstriche
This book provides a good overview on the manufacturing of oil based paint and the wide range of...
This book provides a good overview on the manufacturing of oil based paint and the wide range of possible paint recipes for different purposes. The author describes additives, auxiliary materials and tools as well as the necessary techniques. Common problems, their reasons and solution are explained in great detail, as well as similar techniques such as gloss paint, distemper, tempera/emulsion, wood tar, calcium lime and silicate paint. A unique reference book for enthusiastic amateurs and professional craftsmen.
    Más informaciónes sobre el fabricante


    Comprar productos de Sonstige en línea en DICTUM.
    • Páginas 103
    • Tipo de encuadernación hardcover
    • Ilustración coloured photographs on every page
    • Formato 163 x 235 mm
    • Idioma German
    • Editor Simon Vejbæk Kinch
    Referencia 713602
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    Disponible para envío inmediato, entrega en aprox. 2-4 días laborables
    29,00 € por piece(s)
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    Traditionelle Anstriche
      29,00 €