
Productos de Sonstige

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Trabajos en cuero: cómo fabricar bolsos, accesorios y muebles a mano

Trabajos en cuero: cómo fabricar bolsos, accesorios y muebles...

El cuero es uno de los materiales más originales disponibles. En este libro, Otis Ingrams introduce el arte de crear a mano bolsos nobles, muebles refinados y accesorios con estilo. Después de una visión general del material y de las...
32,00 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 714365

Japanese wooden Boatbuilding

Japanese wooden Boatbuilding

El autor Douglas Brooks pasó varios años construyendo barcos de madera únicos y tradicionales bajo la guía de cinco maestros japoneses. En la primera parte del libro, el autor presenta los aspectos esenciales de la construcción naval...
54,00 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 714366

El gran libro de la artesanía - casi olvidada, de nuevo descubierta

El gran libro de la artesanía - casi olvidada, de nuevo...

Talladores de cruz de mesa, pegatinas de plumas de pluma, grabadores de cobre, constructores de ruedas de agua - la región alpina ofrece una increíble variedad de artesanías antiguas y casi olvidadas. Achim Schneyder ha recopilado...
36,00 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 714368

Arte de la forja japonesa

Arte de la forja japonesa

Por primera vez, un libro de referencia explica los métodos tradicionales utilizados por los herreros, cuchilleros y espadachines japoneses y ofrece una visión general de sus talleres. Diez ejemplos típicos, desde cuchillas de afeitar...
29,90 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 714369

Forja para principiantes

Schmieden für Anfänger

Este libro es la introducción perfecta a la herrería. Muestra los procesos y técnicas tradicionales desde una perspectiva moderna. El autor explica los métodos artesanales clásicos como el rectificado y el curvado, pero también describe...
29,90 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 714370

The Heritage Post, la revista para hombres

The Heritage Post, la revista para hombres

The Heritage Post - No. 43 La revista tradicional para hombres informa sobre marcas extraordinarias, tipos auténticos y productos que cuentan una historia.
14,90 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 990109

Traditional Wooden Handplanes

Traditional Wooden Handplanes

Aprenda a hacer, modificar, restaurar y utilizar los cepillos manuales tradicionales. Descubra los diferentes tipos y cómo sacar el máximo provecho de ellos, cómo ajustar con precisión un nuevo plano y cómo construir el suyo propio. El...
19,20 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 714371

Tallado de la hoja de acanto

Tallado de la hoja de acanto

En este libro aprenderás a tallar la hoja de acanto, piedra angular de los ornamentos occidentales durante milenios. Gracias a sus muchos años de experiencia como profesora de tallado, la autora consigue explicar de forma práctica la...
50,10 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 714374

Cortado y seco: una guía sobre tecnología de la madera para carpinteros

Cortado y seco: una guía sobre tecnología de la madera para...

El libro para los carpinteros practicantes. Este libro cubre todos los aspectos del árbol y de la tala, desde el crecimiento hasta la poda y el secado, pasando por la entrega en su taller. También explica cómo puede identificar y...
71,90 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 714373

Praktische Werkstattmöbel

Praktische Werkstattmöbel

Este libro transmite conocimientos básicos sobre el tema de los equipos de taller, desde la construcción de sus propios dispositivos de sujeción y bancos de trabajo hasta la sensata disposición de puestos de trabajo manuales y de...
34,00 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 714376

Korbflechten leicht gemacht

Korbflechten leicht gemacht

This book introduces the traditional craft of basket weaving and shows how a basket is made - from the floor to the wall structure, to handles and lids. The numerous step-by-step photos and detailed instructions even lead the reader...
22,00 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 714379



This book offers detailed and easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions for more than twenty bookbinding methods. It was compiled at the London Centre for Book Arts, an open studio run by artists dedicated to book production and artistic...
34,00 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 714378

Shaker Inspiration

Shaker Inspiration

»Shaker Inspiration« begins with information that all woodworkers need - the nitty gritty of how to successfully make trees into furniture. This requires a firm grasp of wood movement - one of Chris's specialties - and he shares many of...
41,60 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 714383

Holzbogen Bauen - Was ich vorher gerne gewusst hätte

Holzbogen Bauen - Was ich vorher gerne gewusst hätte

How do I make a good bow out of a piece of wood? One of the best-known and most experienced wooden bow makers in North America has captured his 40 years of experience in this book. There are three simple basic rules that any bow-making...
18,80 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 714387

The Intelligent Hand

The Intelligent Hand

This book profiles David Savage, the UK’s best-known contemporary furniture maker, and his exceptional career. The author is known for defying standard woodworking practices. His goal is to create things that are »beautiful and useful«...
53,40 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 714385

HolzWerken - Grundkurs Möbelbau

HolzWerken - Grundkurs Möbelbau

This book by Heiko Rech provides a thorough introduction to furniture making. The first part consists of the basic chapters workshop planning, wood, hand tools, sawing, milling, grinding and finishing. These basic chapters are...
39,00 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 714389

Einbetten in Kunstharz

Einbetten in Kunstharz

This fundamental work provides all the professional and detailed information you need to know about cast resin. All techniques and tools are explained step by step. The advantages of resins and related processing methods are discussed...
19,99 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 714390

By Hand & Eye

By Hand & Eye

This book provides a deep insight into the world of architecture and design. Instead of complex formulae with magical names like the golden ratio, the authors present simple ubiquitous proportions that were already used in crafts before...
56,80 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 713990

Hochbeet - Frisches Gemüse das ganze Jahr

Hochbeet - Frisches Gemüse das ganze Jahr

You would like to grow vegetables, but have only a little space on your balcony, terrace or in the garden? Then a raised bed is just the thing for you! The practical gardening book by YouTube star Huw Richards shows you how to create a...
19,95 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 714420

Good Work: The Chairmaking Life of John Brown

Good Work: The Chairmaking Life of John Brown

This book offers insights into John Brown's fascinating life as a chairmaker and hand tool artist, along with his philosophical approach to the craft. In addition to many previously unseen historical photographs and unpublished details,...
51,20 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 714428

Grünholz drechseln

Grünholz drechseln

The fascination of turning green wood starts when you first think about the nature of trees. The book teaches this basic understanding and guides hobbyists from cutting, selecting tools and chucking methods right through to several...
38,00 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 713334

Campaign Furniture

Campaign Furniture

For almost 200 years, simple and sturdy pieces of campaign furniture were used for travel all over the globe, and yet this remarkable furniture style is now virtually unknown to most woodworkers and furniture designers. Campaign pieces...
52,10 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 713989

Holzis Handbuch für Schreiner

Holzis Handbuch für Schreiner

Over 2200 terms, from »Anleimer« on to »Zulage«, help apprentice carpenters, qualified carpenters and ambitious hobby carpenters whenever they have questions. The comprehensive knowledge of carpentry in user-friendly form, numerous...
28,50 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 713876

Kerbschnitzen - Schritt für Schritt erklärt

Kerbschnitzen - Schritt für Schritt erklärt

Many people who enjoy working with wood have made chip carving their hobby. This book guides both practised carvers and novices alike from traditional carving with a chip carving knife to carving with a sculptor’s gouge, which allows...
22,00 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 713109



The comparison of Japanese and European wood joints broadens perspectives and leads to new construction solutions in the area of sophisticated artisan woodworking. The author presents a number of interesting and unusual examples and uses...
54,00 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 713507

Traditionelle Anstriche

Traditionelle Anstriche

This book provides a good overview on the manufacturing of oil based paint and the wide range of possible paint recipes for different purposes. The author describes additives, auxiliary materials and tools as well as the necessary...
29,00 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 713602



In this book, the world-renowned author and woodworker Christopher Schwarz will guide you to your personally ideal workbench. He summarizes the history of workbenches during the last few centuries and specifies the essential properties...
42,00 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 713674

Pflanzen veredeln

Pflanzen veredeln

The technique of grafting produces particularly robust and high-yield fruit trees, grafted roses combine beauty and resilience. Grafting is a fascinating challenge for any garden lover, and this practical book explains all you need to...
9,95 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 713995

Kästen und Schachteln perfekt konstruieren und bauen

Kästen und Schachteln perfekt konstruieren und bauen

In this book, Doug Stowe explains everything you need to know about boxes - from selecting and working the raw materials, right through to joining techniques and possible fittings. Following step-by-step instructions organised in...
32,00 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 713904

Holz trocknen und lagern

Holz trocknen und lagern

A comprehensive book for all crafts that involve seasoning wood. Author Alan Holtham, who studied forestry and wood science, gives an insight into the correct storage and drying of wood. The book explains industrial kiln drying as well...
42,00 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 713622

Handbuch Oberfräse - Auswählen, bedienen, beherrschen

Handbuch Oberfräse - Auswählen, bedienen, beherrschen

In this book, journalist and master carpenter Guido Henn explains step by step everything you need to know about routers. In a clear and accessible style, he presents various models, guides you through choosing the right cutter and...
48,00 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 713532

Grundkurs Schnitzen

Grundkurs Schnitzen

This in-depth technical book guides ambitious carvers from simple relief work to complex sculpted figures. The author pays particular attention to designs suitable for the workpiece and the anatomy of humans and animals.
29,90 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 713358

Holzführer - Einheimische Holzarten mit Makroaufnahmen

Holzführer - Einheimische Holzarten mit Makroaufnahmen

This practical guide to wood for foresters, gardeners and hobby joiners is an introduction to the 30 main domestic types of wood. Detailed photographs of flowers, leaves, fruit and buds make it easy to identify the trees. Lists the...
19,95 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 713169

Die Bibel des Traditionellen Bogenbaus, Volume 1

Die Bibel des Traditionellen Bogenbaus

The Bowyer's bible is without doubt the most comprehensive and in-depth source of information for traditional bow making. Fascinating reading for all who hear the ancient call of the bow.
29,00 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 713251

Grundkurs Drechseln

Grundkurs Drechseln

Even when turning wood, you should not have to learn from your mistakes. This is precisely the purpose of this clearly formulated and easy to understand standard work. Richly illustrated, it teaches the fundamental craft and technical...
29,90 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 713359

To Make as Perfectly as Possible: Roubo on Marquetry

To Make as Perfectly as Possible: Roubo on Marquetry

»To Make as Perfectly as Possible: Roubo on Marquetry« is the first English-language translation of the most important woodworking book of the 18th century, written by the exceptional French cabinetmaker André-Jacob Roubo. A team of...
54,60 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 713964

Das Bogenbauer-Buch

Das Bogenbauer-Buch

European bow making from the Stone Age to today. A group of experts focuses on the history and design of European longbows, and offers beginners clear instructions, and advanced learners tips on selecting wood and adhesives, as well as...
34,80 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 713349

HolzWerken - Die besten Tipps und Tricks

HolzWerken - Die besten Tipps und Tricks

The most useful tips from the first 47 issues of HolzWerken magazine. A treasure of smart ideas and tips for woodworkers. This book provides the straight tip for everyone, featuring precise explanations and numerous photographs and...
22,00 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 713681

Gartenwerkzeuge richtig pflegen und schärfen

Gartenwerkzeuge richtig pflegen und schärfen

Using sharp tools makes gardening work not only easier, it also helps to improve the life of your plants. Whether pruning saws, scythes, hedge shears or chainsaws, in this book you will learn how to sharpen the full range of cutting...
19,90 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 713684

Einfach selbst schnitzen! Löffel, Schalen, Kämme

Einfach selbst schnitzen! Löffel, Schalen, Kämme

In over 300 step-by-step illustrations, this book will teach you the ancient technique of carving wood and making simple workpieces by yourself. An abundance of pictures shows the making of various wooden objects such as ladles, salad...
22,00 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 713930

Japanmesser schärfen

Japanmesser schärfen

Everything you ever wanted to know about sharpening Japanese knives: Step by step and with numerous illustrations, expert Dr. Rudolf Dick explains an exact and practical sharpening technique. This book also helps you select the correct...
19,90 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 713920

Making Shoji

Making Shoji

Masterpieces of Japanese craft culture. In this book, Toshio Odate explains how to make a Japanese sliding door, from layout to gluing on the paper. Having been trained himself as a tategushi (sliding-door maker) in Japan, he gives...
27,50 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 713470

Das Holz und seine Verbindungen

Das Holz und seine Verbindungen

A comprehensive representation of Eastern and Western timber architecture from two millennia in terms of its construction techniques, aesthetic design and ecological dimension. The book covers subjects such as materials and tools,...
54,95 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 713944

Holzmerkmale der Bäume

Holzmerkmale der Bäume

This book teaches you how to determine the inner composition of trees from their external form and identify the causes of specific characteristics of wood - essential knowledge for foresters, wood engineers and wood buyers. But it will...
49,90 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 713453

Grundkurs Obstbaumschnitt

Grundkurs Obstbaumschnitt

Only fruit trees that are pruned properly and regularly guarantee a healthy and tasty harvest year after year. This book is designed for hobby gardeners who want clear and concise information about what is important when pruning fruit...
15,95 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 713540

DVD - Suri-Urushi

DVD - Suri-Urushi

This DVD guides you through the Suri Urushi technique, from general basic knowledge right through to the actual application. The traditional Japanese art of lacquering is over 6000 years old. Learn how to create a special gloss on bowls,...
26,90 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 713807

Blockhäuser und Hütten selbst gebaut

Blockhäuser und Hütten selbst gebaut

In this technical book, the Swedish author presents the fundamentals of log construction. The design basics, wood selection, joints, insulation, roofing, wood coating and design appropriate for the material are discussed in detail....
44,00 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 713213

Einfach mähen mit der Sense

Einfach mähen mit der Sense

Mowing with a scythe is becoming increasingly popular. Anyone who has learned to handle this age-old tool will experience mowing as a pleasantly relaxing form of physical exercise out in the fresh air. The author uses numerous pictures...
16,95 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 713894