Perfekte Verbindungen

Perfekte Verbindungen
Professional furniture maker John Bullar explains the essentials of well-fitting wood joints and...
Professional furniture maker John Bullar explains the essentials of well-fitting wood joints and the application of selected hand and power tools. Clear instructions with step-by-step illustrations show the designing and cutting of 34 different wood joints for any purpose. This practical book teaches you how to choose, design and cut suitable wood joints for your workpieces.
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    Comprar productos de Sonstige en línea en DICTUM.
    • Páginas 175
    • Tipo de encuadernación hardcover
    • Ilustración numerosas fotos en color
    • Formato 215 x 280 mm
    • Idioma German
    • Editor John Bullar
    Referencia 713060
    Marca -
    Disponible para envío inmediato, entrega en aprox. 2-4 días laborables
    34,00 € por piece(s)
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    Perfekte Verbindungen
    Perfekte Verbindungen

    Referencia 713060
      34,00 €