Jagdzubehör selber bauen

Jagdzubehör selber bauen

Engineer and passionate hunter Anton Schmid has been working for years on an uncomplicated way to construct raised hides, paying special attention to stability and safety during construction. »Jagdzubehör selber bauen« is a guidebook for...
18,00 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 730544

Eröffnete Jäger-Practica

Eröffnete Jäger-Practica

Heinrich Wilhelm Döbel's Jäger-Practica, published in 1746, is a standard work of hunting literature. This elegant, limited edition is the first reprint of the complete text of the first edition in Fraktur script. It not only represents...
129,00 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 730791

Der Drilling, Band 1

Der Drilling, Band 1

The Drilling (side by side shotgun, with rifle barrel centred below the smoothbores) is a universal weapon ensuring the hunter always has the right weapon by their side. This volume, in an elegant slipcase, offers everything worth...
49,95 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 730796

Die Doppelbüchse, Band 2

Die Doppelbüchse, Band 2

The Doppelbüchse (side by side shotgun-rifle) is the traditional rifle for driven hunts. Its big advantage is having a second shot available immediately. The elegant rifle is therefore used all over the world, especially for hunting...
49,95 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 730797

Der Repetierer, Band 3

Der Repetierer, Band 3

The Repetierbüchse (bolt action rifle) is the most commonly used hunting weapon for bullet shooting today. It offers high firepower, allows the hunter multiple shots and can be equipped with different stocks. A comparatively low purchase...
49,95 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 730798

Die Flinte, Band 4

Die Flinte, Band 4

The Flinte (shotgun) is the most widely used hunting weapon in the world. Yet the shotgun also makes a very useful piece of sports equipment, such as in Olympic clay target shooting competitions. This book is the fourth volume of Norbert...
49,95 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 730799

Jagdliches Brauchtum und Jägersprache

Jagdliches Brauchtum und Jägersprache

Para muchas generaciones de cazadores, la obra de Walter Frevert ha sido la norma y la guía en todas las cuestiones relacionadas con las costumbres y la expresión de la caza. Ya sea en la caza social, en el "Schüsseltreiben" o...
20,00 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 730792

Drückjagd - von der perfekten Vorbereitung bis zum Jagdkönig

Drückjagd - von der perfekten Vorbereitung bis zum Jagdkönig

What was the battue in the 1980s is driven hunting today. In contrast to declining small game populations, it is cloven-hoofed game and mainly the sows that have taken over many hunting grounds. However, roe deer, red deer and fallow...
19,99 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 730795

Das Messerbuch, Outdoor, Jagd- und Freizeitmesser

Das Messerbuch, Outdoor, Jagd- und Freizeitmesser

Knives were one of the first tools to have been invented and have accompanied mankind for thousands of years. Nowadays, there is a wide variety of knife types that have been developed for a wide range of applications. Knife expert Jörg...
25,00 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 730788

Wildverwertung praktisch - Wildbret schnell und erfolgfreich vermarkten

Wildverwertung praktisch - Wildbret schnell und erfolgfreich...

Hunting education ends with game hygiene. Hunter and outdoor specialist Carsten Bothe starts right there and offers valuable tips on successful game marketing for all hunters in this wonderfully practical and comprehensive handbook....
16,99 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 729976

Im Wald - Das Bushcraft- und Outdoorhandbuch

Im Wald - Das Bushcraft- und Outdoorhandbuch

This book is about creative working and building with very simple tools in nature. In recent years, the term »Bushcraft« has become established, even outside the Anglo-Saxon-speaking world, to refer to this art or craft of living in the...
14,99 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 714477

Bock auf Wild - Wildrezepte authentisch und lecker

Bock auf Wild - Wildrezepte authentisch und lecker

The ultimate cookbook for hunters and game lovers. Game is sustainable because it is produced regionally and seasonally, and it promises healthy and unadulterated indulgence. Be inspired by authentic game cuisine and get out into nature...
25,00 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 730794

Die Beizjagd

Die Beizjagd

Those who wish to hunt with falconry birds must obtain a falconry licence in addition to their hunting licence. This book is the ideal textbook to prepare for the falconry exam. It provides information on everything future falconers need...
32,00 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 721073

Die Schweißarbeit - Mit Fährtenschuheinarbeitung und Führungstechniken

Die Schweißarbeit - Mit Fährtenschuheinarbeitung und...

Tracking injured game with a dog is a basic tenet of animal protection and hunting ethics. Following the scent trail is one of the most difficult tasks of a hunting dog and requires thorough training. In this standard work, seasoned...
50,00 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 714402

Fährten- und Spurenkunde

Fährten- und Spurenkunde

The ability to recognise tracks, traces and other typical evidence of game is indispensable knowledge for a hunter. In a clear and compact way, this guidebook conveys the basic knowledge of searching for tracks and traces when hunting....
20,00 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 714401

Grundwissen Jägerprüfung - Das Standardwerk zum Jagdschein

Grundwissen Jägerprüfung - Das Standardwerk zum Jagdschein

The standard textbook for preparing for a hunting licence - now updated and extended. It provides a practical overview of all topics relevant for the exam. The compact presentation of the examination material, extensive illustrations and...
34,00 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 714400

Hege und Bejagung des Schwarzwildes - Mit Lautbeispielen für die Lockjagd

Hege und Bejagung des Schwarzwildes - Mit Lautbeispielen für...

The effective management and proper husbandry of wild boar has become a touchstone for hunting and hunters. Experienced hunting practitioner and wild boar expert Norbert Happ informs about all aspects of wild boar management and...
32,00 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 714399

Jagdpraxis Reh- und Rotwild - Mit Profitipps zum Erfolg

Jagdpraxis Reh- und Rotwild - Mit Profitipps zum Erfolg

The husbandry and management of roe and red deer are among the main tasks of a hunter. Based on current knowledge, the renowned and acknowledged hoofed game expert Kurt Menzel provides information on everything that the practitioner...
26,00 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 714398

Lebensraum Jagdrevier - Erkennen - Erhalten - Artgerecht Gestalten

Lebensraum Jagdrevier - Erkennen - Erhalten - Artgerecht...

Contemporary game conservation by hunters today means above all the preservation and appropriate enhancement of semi-natural habitats for game. Michael Petrak's guidebook provides detailed instructions for habitat analysis and...
39,00 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 714397

Schuss- und Jagdtagebuch (Shooting and Hunting Diary)

Schuss- und Jagdtagebuch (Shooting and Hunting Diary)

Record all important and memorable events in your hunting area! Hunters use hunting diaries to documents their own hunting bag. Careful shooters record the details of their shoots. The beautiful »Schuss- und Jagdtagebuch« elegantly...
18,00 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 714396

Die nächtliche Pirsch auf Schwarzwild

Die nächtliche Pirsch auf Schwarzwild

Like many other hunters, the author describes the native wild boar as something mystical and mysterious. Every experienced hunter knows perfectly well that wild boars sometimes move silently like ninjas and can beam themselves from one...
19,99 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 715029

Jetzt verstehe ich die Bäume

Jetzt verstehe ich die Bäume

Each double-page spread is lovingly designed and makes you want to get involved with nature and trees. A book that brings young and old closer to our forests in a very vivid way. »Jetzt verstehe ich die Bäume« explains the special...
12,99 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 715427

Wildküche - Einfache und schmackhafte Rezepte für das Beste aus Wald und Feld

Wildküche - Einfache und schmackhafte Rezepte für das Beste...

»Wildküche« is a recipe book for amateur chefs, hunters, connoisseurs and anyone who wants to rediscover game dishes. The book shows how this organic and sustainable meat can be prepared in a versatile and, above all, tasty way - in...
35,00 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 731695

Erfolgreiche Blattjagd - Erfahrungen eines Praktikers

Erfolgreiche Blattjagd - Erfahrungen eines Praktikers

Over the years, the author Siegfried Erker has acquired a wealth of experience in rut hunting. He shot his first rutting buck over 40 years ago as an 8-year-old under the guidance of his father, who has since passed away. In his richly...
32,00 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 731696

Raubwild - Zeitgemäße Bejagung

Raubwild - Zeitgemäße Bejagung

Predatory game is spreading more and more, despite all the restrictions caused by civilisation. Hunting it is a must for experienced hunters and an opportunity for young hunting licence holders. Individual predatory game species such as...
32,00 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 731697

Pirsch- & Schusszeichen - Lesen & interpretieren

Pirsch- & Schusszeichen - Lesen & interpretieren

If the game has not dropped dead on the shot site or nearby, the hunter must be able to interpret the game’s shot reaction and read their stalking signs. How does an animal leave signs? Which signs does an animal leave at the shot site?...
20,00 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 731698

Der Jungjägerguide

Der Jungjägerguide

Budding young hunters usually have similar questions when starting out: Which type of training makes sense for me? Do different types of training have advantages or even disadvantages? How do I get to know other hunters in my hunting...
24,95 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 715037

Kochlust und Jagdpassion - Ein Kochbuch für heimisches Wildbret

Kochlust und Jagdpassion - Ein Kochbuch für heimisches Wildbret

Culinary passion and hunting fervour merge here into an inspiring delight. Creative, diverse, and tailored to the months of the hunting season, the authors have crafted twelve menus featuring select game recipes that entice you to try...
29,90 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 715000

Vom Jagdhund zum Jagdgefährten

Vom Jagdhund zum Jagdgefährten

High demands are placed on the training of hunting dogs, as a well-trained dog is an irreplaceable companion during the hunt. However, the perception of the dog within the family pack and the approach to dog training have changed. Today,...
24,90 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 715001