Using Hand Tools for Making Classic Wood Joints

Dovetails, mortise and tenon joints - how to make them, which tools to use

Woodworking with classic hand tools is an ancient craft that is very attractive today. Manually...
Woodworking with classic hand tools is an ancient craft that is very attractive today. Manually crafted, visible wood joints are unique and beautiful and they testify to the manufacturer's skills. This course will teach you the theory and practice of the necessary basic skills and the proper use of the required hand tools, such as planes, saws, scribing tools, etc.

    Peter Lanz

    While studying ethnology, the qualified cabinetmaker already worked as a set builder at the Munich TV studios. He was working as a freelance art carpenter in the Munich Gewerkehalle. For several years, he has worked as a consultant for DICTUM in courses dealing with Japanese wood joints.Peter Lanz


    KURSORT München

    Raus aus dem Büro - rein in die Werkstatt!

    Getreu diesem Motto werden in der DICTUM Kurswerkstatt München speziell an die Bedürfnisse der Großstadt angepasste Handwerkskurse angeboten. Teilnehmer lernen in Semester- und Abendkursen den sicheren Umgang mit Maschinenwerkzeugen und setzen das Erlernte in Projektkursen um.

    DICTUM Kurswerkstatt München
    Haager Str. 9 - vierter Stock
    81671 München

    Weitere Infos zur Kurswerkstatt München
    • 前提条件 Keine.
    • 课程时长 1 Tag
    • 提示 inkl. Material.
    • 参加人数 10
    • 课程语言 Deutsch
    • 授课教师 Peter Lanz
    • 课程时间 9.00 - 18.00 Uhr
    • Datum 15.05
    • 研讨会地点 Haager Str. 9 IV. Stock, 81671 München
    课程编号 KU2402502
    € 159.00 每位参与者


    Additional course dates available on request - our lines are open Monday till Friday, from 8 am to 7 pm by telephone on +49 (0)9931 4058-981 or via email to
    Kursnummer Beginn Ende Ort 价格  
    课程编号: KU2402502
    开始: 25年05月15日
    结束: 25年05月15日
    地点: München
    价格: € 159.00
    课程编号: KU2402503
    开始: 25年11月10日
    结束: 25年11月10日
    地点: München
    价格: € 159.00