Practical knowledge about wood glues and adhesives

Practical knowledge about wood glues and adhesives
Functional principles of wood glues, contact adhesives and reaction adhesives Different wood...
  • Functional principles of wood glues, contact adhesives and reaction adhesives
  • Different wood glues and their applications
  • Terms used in adhesive technology and their meaning
  • Solvent-based and solvent-free adhesives, binders, hardeners, filler materials and additives
  • Adhesive force of different glues, analysis of the glues’ strength with glue samples and breaking tests
  • Tips and instructions for professional workmanship and for your own projects
  • Glueing wood with other materials
  • Tools and aids

    Heiko Pulcher

    The great passion of this skilled carpenter and qualified designer has always been wood and traditional craft techniques. Prior to joining DICTUM, he worked as a freelance writer for several magazines in the woodworking sector. In addition to his own courses, he supports numerous Premium Courses by translating and using a video camera.Heiko Pulcher


    KURSORT München

    Raus aus dem Büro - rein in die Werkstatt!

    Getreu diesem Motto werden in der DICTUM Kurswerkstatt München speziell an die Bedürfnisse der Großstadt angepasste Handwerkskurse angeboten. Teilnehmer lernen in Semester- und Abendkursen den sicheren Umgang mit Maschinenwerkzeugen und setzen das Erlernte in Projektkursen um.

    DICTUM Kurswerkstatt München
    Haager Str. 9 - vierter Stock
    81671 München

    Weitere Infos zur Kurswerkstatt München
    • 前提条件 无。
    • 课程时长 0.5 天
    • 提示 包括材料。
    • 参加人数 10
    • 课程语言 德国
    • 授课教师 海科-普尔歇
    • 课程时间 14.00 - 18.00
    • Datum 13.06
    • 研讨会地点 Haager Str.
    课程编号 KU7112501
    € 99.00 每位参与者


    Additional course dates available on request - our lines are open Monday till Friday, from 8 am to 7 pm by telephone on +49 (0)9931 4058-981 or via email to
    Kursnummer Beginn Ende Ort 价格  
    课程编号: KU7112501
    开始: 25年06月13日
    结束: 25年06月13日
    地点: München
    价格: € 99.00
    课程编号: KU7112502
    开始: 25年10月23日
    结束: 25年10月23日
    地点: München
    价格: € 99.00