Hauchdünne Grünholzobjekte mit Pascal Oudet

Selection of the right wood and storage tips Recognising the direction of the grain and its...
Many woodturners have the ambition to turn vessels with a wall thickness of less than 2 mm. When working with green, freshly felled wood, the wafer-thin walls warp during the drying process and can result in bizarre vessel forms. As an introduction, the i
  • Selection of the right wood and storage tips
  • Recognising the direction of the grain and its effects on the warping process
  • Clamping equipment and methods
  • Tool selection and sharpening of turning tools
  • Explanation of cutting techniques with turning tools
  • Explanation of design basics and spatial feel
  • Tips for drying the grren wood objects
  • Finishing

    Pascal Oudet

    A wood artist working and living in the French Alps. He is worldwide known for his sandblasted and unique pieces, creating a real lace out of wood which emphasizes all the history of the tree he is working with. His pieces are present in permanent collections of Ateliers d'Art de France, the American Association of Woodturners and the New York Museum of Art and Design.Pascal Oudet


    KURSORT Niederalteich

    Eine Oase des traditionellen Handwerks!

    Nur ca. 15 Autominuten vom Stammhaus in Plattling entfernt, verkehrsgünstig an der Autobahn A3 Richtung Passau gelegen, bietet sie ideale Voraussetzungen für ungestörtes, kreatives Arbeiten.

    Die ehemalige Stallung der Abtei Niederalteich ist mit

    • Bankraum,
    • Drechselwerkstatt,
    • Schärfraum,
    • Maschinenraum,
    • Küche und Sanitärräumen bestens gerüstet.


    St. Ursulaweg 19
    94557 Niederalteich

    Weitere Infos zum Kursort Niederalteich
    • 前提条件 高级木工知识。
    • 课程时长 2 Tage
    • 提示 包括材料。
    • 参加人数 6
    • 课程语言 英语和德语
    • 授课教师 帕斯卡尔-乌代
    • 课程时间 9.00 - 18.00 Uhr
    • Datum 07.05 - 08.05
    • 研讨会地点 St.-Ursulaweg 19, 94557 Niederalteich
    课程编号 KU2812502
    € 419.00 每位参与者


    Additional course dates available on request - our lines are open Monday till Friday, from 8 am to 7 pm by telephone on +49 (0)9931 4058-981 or via email to workshop@dictum.com
    Kursnummer Beginn Ende Ort 价格  
    课程编号: KU2812501
    开始: 25年05月05日
    结束: 25年05月06日
    地点: Niederalteich
    价格: € 419.00
    课程编号: KU2812502
    开始: 25年05月07日
    结束: 25年05月08日
    地点: Niederalteich
    价格: € 419.00