Festool Positioning aid AH-ES-ETS/ETSC

Every edge. Simple sanding.

Every edge is different. Sometimes it is sawn or routed, sometimes it is coarse or painted. And...
Every edge is different. Sometimes it is sawn or routed, sometimes it is coarse or painted. And you want to make all of them perfect. With the innovative solution by Festool, the edge sander, you can do this quickly and easily - from the first application.

Your advantages:
  • An edge sander for every edge: Whether sawn or routed, coarse or painted. Machine sanding replaces manual sanding: 50% time savings for improved cost-effectiveness. Full-surface support prevents tipping over and sanding through. Adjustable sanding mode: Pull the lever and the flexible angle adjustment will be activated. Reliable: Even large workpieces are comfortable to sand - reproducible for the perfect edge

Main areas of application:
Furniture manufacture. Edge finishing work


    LAS-H-ES base runner, LAS-W-ES base runner, hex key, WAF 5
    Hier finden Sie weitere Details zum Hersteller
    • 版本 zum winkeltreuen, abkippsicheren Schleifen von gefüllerten, lackierten und Massivholzkanten
    • 适用于 für ETS 125 REQ, ETSC 125, ES-ETS 125 und ES-ETSC 125
    • 产品规格 223x127x223 mm
    • 技术特点
      • Angle adjustment 43 - 92 °
      • Edge height 5 - 60 mm
    商品编号 729562
    品牌 Festool
    送货 结束 一月 2025
    € 145.00 每 piece(s)




    类型 价格 数量
    Festool Positioning aid AH-ES-ETS/ETSC
      € 145.00


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