Festool Eccentric sander ETS 125 REQ

The compact one-handed sander.

IMakes sanding overhead for sustained periods of time effortless. The RUTSCHER orbital sander,...
IMakes sanding overhead for sustained periods of time effortless. The RUTSCHER orbital sander, delta sander and eccentric sander are equipped with maximum flexibility for individual task requirements: The new generation RTS, DTS and ETS 125. They are characterised by compact design, with a weight of just 1.2 kg and the recently developed MMC control electronics that guarantee up to 25% greater removal capacity at constant powerful speed. These sophisticated details may not sound spectacular - but they are certainly convincing. The integrated long-life chip collection bag for dust-free work, the aesthetically pleasing soft grip inserts, through to the PROTECTOR edge protection for less reworking. The new generation RTS, DTS and ETS compact sanders: A visible, perceptible and even audible improvement.
Your benefits:
Work effortlessly: Thanks to the compact design, weight of just 1.2 kg and a perfectly balanced weight distribution
Up to 25% greater material removal capacity: The MMC control electronics transfer the power of 250 watts directly to the work surface
A healthy working environment and less rework: In combination with the mobile dust extractor or the long-life dust collection bag and attachable PROTECTOR for smooth sanding along window surfaces, frames and panelling
For continuous use: Long-life dust collection bag which can be emptied and reused, made from extra-durable nonwoven polyester
Reliable extraction with the new CLEANTEC connecting system: The integrated bayonet fitting quickly and reliably joins the connecting sleeve of the suction hose to the extractor connector on the power tool. And it is just as easy to detach. You decide when the connection is undone: and only you
Main applications:
One-handed sanding on shaped and curved parts, e.g. wooden and plastic parts
Ideal for vertical surfaces or overhead work
Finishing or preliminary sanding of small surfaces
Light sanding of joins after repair work
Sanding close to edges on different materials


    StickFix sanding pad Ø 125 mm (soft-HT), Festool PROTECTOR, Longlife chip collection bag
    Hier finden Sie weitere Details zum Hersteller
    • 技术特点
      • Corded
      • Power consumption 250 W
      • Eccentric motion speed 6000-12 000 min⁻¹
      • Sanding stroke 2 mm
      • Interchangeable sanding pad Ø 125 mm
      • Dust extraction connection Ø 27 mm
      • Weight 1.2 kg
    • 噪音和振动参数 Sanding: Total vibration average, Ah 4.00 m/s²
      Sanding: A-weighted sound pressure level, LpA 73.00 dB(A)
      Sanding: Standards series EN 62841-2-4
      Sanding: Uncertainty (vibration) K 2.00 m/s²
      Sanding: A-weighted sound power level, LWA 84.00 dB(A)
      Sanding: Uncertainty (noise) K 3.00 dB
    商品编号 729142
    品牌 Festool
    准备发货,交货时间约为 2-4 个工作日
    € 379.00 每 piece(s)




    类型 价格 数量
    Festool Eccentric sander ETS 125 REQ
      € 379.00
    更多附件 & 备件




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