Festool Base runner LAS-HGW-PS 420

The base runner for wood.

Festool Base runner LAS-HGW-PS 420
Resistant, scratchproof and smooth Pertinax laminated fabric base for wood or similar materials....
Resistant, scratchproof and smooth Pertinax laminated fabric base for wood or similar materials.
Your benefits:
Particularly smooth and scratch-resistant laminated fabric base
Durable thanks to high-quality materials
Extremely versatile
Easy base runner replacement
Splinter-free cutting possible thanks to the splinter guard device
robust laminated fabric base for wood or similar materials
Sturdy base runner for easy gliding on wooden materials and similar materials
    Hier finden Sie weitere Details zum Hersteller
    • 版本 Sturdy base runner for easy gliding on wooden materials and similar materials
    • 适用于 PS(C) 400/420, PSB(C) 400/420
    商品编号 729036
    品牌 Festool
    送货 开始 三月 2025
    € 19.40 每 piece(s)




    类型 价格 数量
    Festool Base runner LAS-HGW-PS 420
      € 19.40


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