Festool Cordless edge sander ES-ETSC 125 3,1 I-Plus


How many hours have you spent toiling with a sanding block? How many edges have you already...
How many hours have you spent toiling with a sanding block? How many edges have you already sanded through? How often have you had to replace an edge, losing valuable time? Every edge is different. Sometimes it is sawn or routed, sometimes it is coarse or painted. And you want to make all of them perfect. With the innovative solution by Festool, the edge sander, you can do this quickly and easily - from the first application.
Your advantages:
  • An edge sander for every edge: Whether sawn or routed, coarse or painted
  • Machine sanding replaces manual sanding: 50% time savings for improved cost-effectiveness
  • Full-surface support prevents tipping over and sanding through
  • Adjustable sanding mode: Pull the lever and the flexible angle adjustment will be activated
  • Mobile: Complete cordless mobility without hoses or cables - meaning that even large workpieces are comfortable to sand
Main applications:
  • Furniture manufacture
  • Edge finishing work
  • For sanding sawn or planed wood edges and filled, or painted edges in fixed angular positions without any tipping


    附件辅助工具AH-ES-ETS/ETSC,2个电池组BP 18 Li 3.1 ERGO-I,快速充电器TCL 6,StickFix打磨盘Ø 125 mm W-HT (soft-HT),长寿命防尘袋,内六角扳手SW 5,Systainer SYS3 M 337
    Hier finden Sie weitere Details zum Hersteller
    • 版本 用于对填充、涂漆和实木的边缘进行真实角度的非尖锐打磨。
    • 技术特点
      • 驱动器类型 电池
      • 蓄电池电压18V
      • 电池容量 3.1 Ah
      • 偏心运动速度 6000 - 10000 min-¹
      • 磨削行程2毫米
      • 角度调节 43 - 92 °。
      • 边缘高度 5 - 60 mm
      • 可更换的打磨盘 Ø 125 mm
      • 排尘接口 Ø 27 mm
      • 带电池重量 2.2公斤
    • 噪音和振动参数 Schleifen: Gesamt-Schwingungsmittelwert ah 3 m/s²; Schleifen: Normenreihe EN 62841-2-4; Schleifen: Unsicherheit (Lärm) K 3 dB; Schleifen: Unsicherheit (Vibration) K 2 m/s²; Schleifen: A-bewerteter Schalldruckpegel Lp 68 dB(A); Schleifen: A-bewerteter Schallleistungspegel Lw 79 dB(A)
    商品编号 729560
    品牌 Festool
    € 639.00 每 piece(s)




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