在 DICTUM 在线购买 FILSON 的产品。
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Filson Insulated Blaze/Tin Cap, Size M

Filson 隔热烈焰/锡帽

这款6板帽的伸缩式耳罩由保暖透气的100%美国处女毛制成。憎水耐磨的Blaze Orange面料采用醒目可见的信号橙。 弹性吸汗带保证了衣服的舒适性和牢固性。
€ 159.00

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商品编号 818082

Filson Logger Mesh Cap, Brown Camo/Scenic

Filson 伐木者网眼帽

经典的帽子,带可调节的表带,后面有铜扣。这款6片帽的特点是预设了防晒防雨的防护罩,正面有Filson贴片。采用传说中耐用的Blaze Orange Ten-Mile Cloth纯棉面料,后背采用网眼设计,透气性好,可经常使用多年。 可调式搭扣 搭扣上有Filson黄铜 压花搭扣 预制鞋面防水材料 。
€ 65.00

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商品编号 826082

Filson Logger Mesh Cap, Navy

Filson 伐木者网眼帽

经典的帽子,带可调节的表带,后面有铜扣。这款6片帽的特点是预设了防晒防雨的防护罩,正面有Filson贴片。采用传说中耐用的Blaze Orange Ten-Mile Cloth纯棉面料,后背采用网眼设计,透气性好,可经常使用多年。 可调式搭扣 搭扣上有Filson黄铜 压花搭扣 预制鞋面防水材料 。
€ 60.00

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商品编号 826173



€ 195.00

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商品编号 818027

Filson Single Tin Chaps, Dark Tan, regular

Filson 单层铁皮靴,深褐色,常规款

€ 165.00

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商品编号 818030

Filson Watch Cap, Otter Green

Filson 手表帽

€ 70.00

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商品编号 818074


Filson 背包

全能型背包,有缝隙边框,加固和肩带,由马鞍皮制成。宽敞的内部空间和三个口袋,提供充足的储物空间。由于采用了双层绗缝和胶带接缝,坚固耐用。 坚固的黄铜Filson设计拉链,带防风 盖板 2个波纹袋,1个pannier携带 环和可调节的缰绳 皮肩带 符合随身行李的 要求 提供40.6厘米宽的笔记本或平板电脑的空间。
€ 695.00

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商品编号 818048

Filson Logger Mesh Cap, Blaze Orange

Filson 伐木者网眼帽

经典的帽子,带可调节的表带,后面有铜扣。这款6片帽的特点是预设了防晒防雨的防护罩,正面有Filson贴片。采用传说中耐用的Blaze Orange Ten-Mile Cloth纯棉面料,后背采用网眼设计,透气性好,可经常使用多年。 可调式搭扣 搭扣上有Filson黄铜 压花搭扣 预制鞋面防水材料 。
€ 60.00

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商品编号 818077

Filson Field Bag-Medium, Otter Green

Filson Field Bag-Medium

这款用于休闲、狩猎和旅行的防水野战包有一个风暴盖,马鞍皮制成的扣环,耐用的缝线和双重加固的底部。马鞍皮肩带(1.2米),可以用插销取下,并可调节长度,允许不同的携带方式。 较大的内层和两个独立的隔层,可放置小件物品,配有按扣 内部黄铜 钥匙扣 两个侧袋,可放置瓶子 等物品 包的背面有一个开放的隔层,可放置文件等。
€ 549.00

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商品编号 818119



这款羊毛背心可以单独穿,也可以拉开拉链穿在外套里。由100%麦金诺初榨羊毛制成。 立领 前面 有 2个暖手口袋 可通过抽绳调节 腰部宽度 可将拉链拉入选定的Filson大衣和夹克 中(All-Season雨衣、锡布野战夹克、盖布里程标记大衣、Polson野战夹克、3层野战夹克、锡布夹克、锡布大衣) 材质天然防水。
€ 295.00

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商品编号 818110

Filson Mackinaw羊毛背心,森林绿,尺寸S


这款经典的麦金诺羊毛背心,保暖、透气、百搭。纯新羊毛具有天然的防水性,即使潮湿也能保温。随意的剪裁,让活动范围更加充分。 纽扣 开合 1个胸前多功能口袋,如笔袋,1个插袋,2个暖手袋 经典Filson马甲设计 ,男女通用
€ 265.00

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商品编号 824400

Filson Tin Packer Hat, Otter Green, S


这款经典的户外帽子具有防水、防风、极其耐用的特点。 棉质内汗带,舒适贴身 通风 缝隙,透气性好 皮制 帽带,边缘宽6厘米。
€ 120.00

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商品编号 825307/S

Filson Mackinaw 羊毛巡洋舰,炭色,M码。


经典之作--自1914年以来一直是Filson产品系列中的经典。采用100%纯麦金诺羊毛制成,舒适度高,天然防水,全天候保温。这款透气保暖的夹克共有九个口袋,是工作、狩猎和日常使用的理想选择。 1914 年获得专利的纽扣 开合方式,4个可关闭的大前袋,1个贴袋,2个暖手袋,1个后部有两个入口的地图袋,1个内侧的多功能口袋,3个笔架 ,手腕处的袖子可通过纽扣调节。
€ 695.00

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商品编号 818012

Filson Skagit Jacket, L

Filson Skagit 夹克

€ 614.00 € 459.00

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商品编号 818095

Filson Shelter 水禽/高地大衣, L型号

Filson Shelter 水禽/陆地大衣

防水的狩猎和户外夹克,额外的肩部加固,增加了耐用性。背部的弹力褶皱确保了狩猎时肩部的最佳活动自由度,即使在夹克下穿上额外的层数。袖口不会让身体的热量散发出去。鼹鼠皮衣领可以保护颈部不被拉伤。用于运输墨盒的波纹管口袋。 游戏运输前袋,带可清洗的防血内衬 带防风 盖的 卡扣 肩部 后坐力吸收器 适合与雨衣或臀部 长靴一起使用的短裤 袖口可调节卡扣。
€ 489.00 € 349.00

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商品编号 818086


Filson 女士绗缝野外背心,水獭绿,XL

轻盈、防水的绗缝女式背心,表面为蜡棉,PrimaLoft Gold保温层,可保持热量。休闲、狩猎、旅行的防水女马甲,采用YKK扎实的双向拉链,Filson设计,防风遮阳板。 腰部圆形接缝,贴合 身形 羊毛罗纹针织衣领 背部 纽扣可调节宽度 2个暖手袋。
€ 289.00 € 199.00

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商品编号 818458

Filson 女式绗缝里程标记背心,棕黄色,XS型。

Filson 女士褐黄色绗缝里程标记背心

轻盈、防雨、保温的女式背心,由棉壳(130克)制成,表面有防水层。全衬里,用100gm Polyfill保温。 实心 8 YKK 双向黄铜 拉链 两个贴身前袋,包括两个侧边暖 手袋 边框拉链袋 传统菱形 缝线 领口和口袋均有鼹鼠皮衬里 后背有纽扣可调节宽度
€ 199.00 € 149.00

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商品编号 818463

Filson Alaskan Guide Shirt, Silver Pine/Burnt Red Plaid, Size L

Filson LT WT 阿拉斯加指南衬衫,棋盘格纹

The Lightweight Alaskan Guide Shirt, an all-season go-to, is built for all-weather comfort, durability and practical functionality for any outdoor activity. It’s a lighter-weight variation of the iconic Filson Alaskan Guide Shirt, which...
€ 149.00

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商品编号 826079/L

Filson Alaskan Guide Shirt, Otter Green / Black Plaid, Size S

Filson 阿拉斯加指南衬衫

This iconic Alaskan Guide Shirt is made with midweight breathable cotton flannel that’s wind-resistant and brushed for soft comfort. A pleated back provides a full range of motion, perfect for hunting, fishing, working and daily use. The...
€ 155.00

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商品编号 820818

Filson Safari Cloth Guide Shirt, Safari Khaki, Size XL

Filson 野生动物园布导游衬衫

The Safari Cloth Shirt is a timeless classic. Made of durable cotton fabric, it offers optimal protection from the sun and insects, with a UPF 50+ sun protection factor providing reliable defence against sun rays. The shirt's pleated...
€ 165.00

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商品编号 826165/XL

Filson LT WT Alaskan Guide Shirt, Dark Olive, Size S

Filson LT WT 阿拉斯加指南衬衫

Das leichte Alaskan Guide Hemd von Filson werden Sie das ganze Jahr über im Einsatz haben, es bietet Komfort in allen Wetterlagen, Strapazierfähigkeit und Funktionalität bei allen Outdoor Aktivitäten. Es handelt sich um die luftige...
€ 159.00

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商品编号 826238/S

Filson Vintage Flannel Work Shirt, brown/yellow/multi plaid, Size M

Filson 复古法兰绒工作衬衫

Our Vintage Flannel Work Shirt, built with thick and breathable midweight cotton, is a surefire favorite for cool weather. The interior face is heavily-brushed for thermal retention and maximum softness. Dual shoulder pleats provide an...
€ 195.00

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商品编号 826239/M

Filson Dry Tin Logger 网眼帽,灰卡其色

Filson Dry Tin Logger 网眼帽

这款经典的 6 面板鸭舌帽采用预制遮阳帽面,可遮挡阳光和雨水,正面有 Filson 徽章。由于采用了按扣扣,帽子的宽度可以单独调节,以确保安全合体。它采用 Filson 坚固的无蜡锡布制成,侧面和背面采用网眼织物,具有最佳的透气性,非常适合长期和定期使用。 6 片式帽冠,佩戴舒适 侧面和背面的网眼衬垫可实现最佳透气效果 正面采用未打蜡锡布,经久耐用,提供保护 可调节的按扣开合,可根据个人需要进行调节 正面有 Filson 徽标
€ 60.00

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商品编号 826172


Filson 短袖狩猎者纯色单袋 T 恤

美国制造的透气纯棉T恤,采用Filson经典颜色之一。 罗纹圆领,更舒适 胸部口袋可放置小件物品。
€ 54.00

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商品编号 818384

Filson, Wool Packer Hat, Charcoal, S


这款天然防潮帽由100%原生羊毛制成,即使在潮湿的情况下也能隔热。 棉质内汗带,舒适贴身 通风 缝隙,透气性好 皮制 帽带,边缘宽6厘米。
€ 175.00

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商品编号 819159

Unscoped Gun Case 44, Brass, Tan

Filson 坚固斜纹布步枪袋,棕褐色,不含光学镜组

This abrasion-resistant Rugged Twill fabric gun case has a leather nose lined for added protection. It's fully lined with cotton flannel, to protect your firearm against scratches and wick moisture away to protect it from rusting. The...
€ 399.00

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商品编号 820881

Filson Sherpa Fleece Jacket, Marsh Olive, Size S

Filson Sherpa Fleece Jacket, Marsh Olive

Add warmth without weight when you put on the Filson Sherpa Fleece Jacket. Made with Polartec Thermal Pro sherpa fleece, it has a high-pile that offers excellent thermal retention while being quick-drying and breathable. Features...
€ 250.00

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商品编号 820825

Filson Skagit Rain Pant, Peat, Größe XL

Filson Skagit 雨裤,泥煤色

In the field or on a boat, your day doesn’t end when the weather turns foul. Our first pair of waterproof/breathable pants, The Filson Skagit Rain Pants are made with our proprietary 3-layer Rain Cloth—perfect for keeping you dry and...
€ 364.00

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商品编号 820817

Filson Insulated Packer Hat, Dark Tan, S

Filson 绝缘包装帽

This hat is rain repellent and abrasion resistant, with an insulated crown for warmth. The attached earflaps are lined with 100% virgin wool for wind-cutting warmth. Side ventilating grommets add breathable comfort. Earflaps lined with...
€ 169.00

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商品编号 821384

Filson Pioneer Solid One Pocket T-shirt, dark olive, Size S

Filson 先锋纯色单口袋 T 恤

The Pioneer Solid One-Pocket T-Shirt is a durable take on a classic essential. Made of sturdy 185 g cotton with a dry feel, it offers a comfortable texture and lasting durability in any season. The ribbed collar ensures a stable fit,...
€ 59.00

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商品编号 821359

Filson Log Carrier, Tan

Filson Log Carrier

If you can lift it, the Log Carrier will hold it. Filson's signature Rugged Twill combines with riveted Bridle Leather handles for a carrying capacity of over 1,400 lbs. Bridle leather handles are sewn and riveted to handle heavy loads...
€ 225.00

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商品编号 823292

Filson Mackinaw Field Pant, Forest Green, Size 52

Filson Mackinaw 野外长裤,森林绿

These naturally water-repellent, straight leg pants are made with durable 100 % virgin wool. They have suspender buttons and six pockets for tools. Wool provides superior warmth even when wet, and naturally wicks away sweat. The belt...
€ 449.00

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商品编号 823508

Filson Tin Cloth Insulated Work Vest, Dark Tan, Size M

Filson Tin Cloth Insulated Work Vest, Dark Tan

The warming Tin Cloth Insulated Work Vest is a tough, wind-proof and water-resistant layer equipped with handwarmer pockets and a wool-blend rib-knit collar. Built with legendary oil finish Tin Cloth and insulated with PrimaLoft Gold....
€ 295.00

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商品编号 821380

Filson Down Cruiser, Dark Tan, Size M

Filson 羽绒巡洋舰

The Down Cruiser Jacket combines Filson legacy materials with state-of-the-art insulation into a jacket that will weather any storm, no matter how wet and cold. Responsibly-sourced goose down, the lightest and warmest insulation found in...
€ 650.00

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商品编号 833755

Filson Down Cruiser Vest, Dark Tan, Size XL

Filson 羽绒巡洋舰背心

Built with some of Filson’s most-proven signature materials, combined with the warmest and lightest-weight insulation nature can provide, this vest is the ultimate tool for keeping your core warm in cold weather. The goose down traps...
€ 395.00

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商品编号 833773

Filson Sportsman's Shirt, Olive Drab/Root, Size S

Filson 运动衫

Our Sportsman's shirt is the ideal sportsman’s companion for summer sporting clays or early-season, warm weather hunts. Built with ultralight 2.5-oz. 100% nylon fabric, it wicks moisture away from the body and dries quickly to minimize...
€ 150.00

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商品编号 833805

Filson Small Field Bag, Tan

Filson 小型野战包

This rain-resistant field bag has a saddle-grade Bridle Leather buckle closure storm flap and a reinforced base. Bound seams add longevity. An adjustable, removable Bridle Leather shoulder strap adds carrying options. Reinforced base for...
€ 395.00

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商品编号 833821

Filson Rugged Twill Forester Cap, Tan

Filson 坚固斜纹森林帽

Taking cues from vintage sportsmen’s caps from the 1970s, our Rugged Twill Forester Cap features a 5-panel crown with an angular peak. It’s built with the same industrial-strength fabric as our classic luggage, for unrivaled longevity....
€ 90.00

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商品编号 833830

Filson Mackinaw Wool Vest, Red/Black Plaid, Size M

Filson Mackinaw 羊毛背心,红色/黑色格子图案

The Mackinaw Wool Vest is built with the same warm wool used in our Mackinaw Wool Cruiser that's provided protection from cold and wet conditions for over a century. Because our Mackinaw Wool is manufactured with uncommonly-tight weave,...
€ 265.00

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商品编号 825297/M

Filson S/S Pioneer Graphic T-Shirt, Green Moose, Size XL

Filson S/S Pioneer 图案T恤,绿色麋鹿图案

The Filson Pioneer Graphic T-Shirt is a heavy-duty, reliable staple in any wardrobe, and you simply will not find a better tee. It’s made of 100 % cotton -a 6.5-oz. knit jersey with texture, structure and a dry-hand feel. The sturdy...
€ 62.00

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商品编号 825298/XL

Filson S/S Pioneer Graphic T-Shirt, Stone/Fishing Tourney, Size S

Filson S/S Pioneer 图案T恤,石色/钓鱼巡回赛

Our Pioneer Graphic T-Shirt is a heavy-duty, reliable staple in any wardrobe, and you simply will not find a better tee. It’s made of 100 % cotton -a 6.5-oz. knit jersey with texture, structure and a dry-hand feel. The sturdy rib-knit...
€ 62.00

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商品编号 825299/S

Filson Twin Falls Travel Hat, Otter Green, Size S

Filson 双瀑布旅行帽

Keep the sun off your face and neck with our Twin Falls Travel Hat. Made with our signature dry finish Cover Cloth for a UPF rating of 50+ and lightweight comfort in warm weather. The 3” brim is lightly structured and flexible, keeping...
€ 110.00

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商品编号 825306/S

Filson Journeyman Backpack, Otter Green

Filson Journeyman Backpack

The Journeyman Backpack combines rugged functionality with thoughtful design, making it the ideal choice for outdoor enthusiasts, travellers, or everyday work use. With generous storage space and practical details, this backpack offers...
€ 395.00

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商品编号 818403

Filson Lightweight Angler Cap, Dark Forest Evergreen Patch

Filson 轻型钓鱼帽

Our Lightweight Angler Cap is made for warm days on the water. Six-panel, low-profile design with an adjustable fabric strap. Lightweight 3-oz. cotton fabric Low-profile, unstructured six-panel design Adjustable fabric strap Custom...
€ 59.00

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商品编号 825424

Filson Tin Cloth Field Jacket, Dark Tan, Size M

Filson 锡布野战夹克

The Tin Cloth Field Jacket by Filson is a proven classic that has earned its keep with rugged durability and multi-use versatility in the field and on the job. Built with Filson signature oil finish Tin Cloth that turns away rain, snow,...
€ 495.00

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商品编号 826070/M

Filson 3-Layer Field Jacket, Dark Tan/Blaze Orange, Size M

Filson 3 层野战夹克

The Filson 3-Layer Field Jacket is ideally suited to the avid upland hunter. For fully waterproof protection, a traditional solution for hunters has been to rely on high-performance mountaineering clothing. That gear, however, often does...
€ 525.00

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商品编号 826071/M

Filson Mackinaw Wool Double Coat, Red Black Classic Plaid, Size M

Filson 麦基诺羊毛双面大衣

The Filson Double Coat is made of durable Mackinaw wool and is reinforced on the shoulders and arms with a layer of waxed cotton, the Tin Cloth. This combination offers excellent protection against rain and snow while allowing good...
€ 789.00

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商品编号 826072/M

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