Festool Cordless pendulum jigsaw CARVEX PSBC 420 HPC 4,0 EBI-Plus

The cordless D-handle version of the CARVEX - performance similar to a mains-powered tool.

With this, even tight curves feel like straight lines. With 3800 strokes per minute, the...
With this, even tight curves feel like straight lines. With 3800 strokes per minute, the high-performance, energy-efficient EC-TEC motor gives you powerful, fast sawing progress every time. Always guaranteed: Utmost precision thanks to the specially developed hammer guide and the guidance jaws featuring parallel adjustment. They act as a third guide to keep the saw blade on track with no compromises. And the fact that top performance does not merely relate to sawing results is also shown by the ergonomic design of our cordless pendulum jigsaws, which enables you to work tirelessly for sustained periods. The Festool Bluetooth battery packs ensure particularly convenient use of the Festool mobile dust extractor: In combination with a Bluetooth-compatible Festool mobile dust extractor, they ensure that the extractor starts automatically in AUTO mode when the cordless pendulum jigsaw is switched on.
Your benefits:
Excellent behaviour in curves thanks to threefold saw blade guide and rigid lifter rod
Simple handling thanks to the softgrip and ergonomic design
Electronic switch-on/off on both sides, reachable in every grip position
Fast, tool-free changing of tables, baseplates and saw blades
Easily visible scribe mark through stroboscope light and powerful extraction
Powerful cutting stroke for rapid working progress
Noticeably lighter at full power thanks to Li-HighPower battery pack with high current resistant battery cells
Convenient dust extraction: The battery pack communicates via Bluetooth with the Bluetooth module of the CLEANTEC mobile dust extractor (can be retrofitted to the CT 26/36/48 as an accessory, directly integrated into the CT MINI I and MIDI I) and starts the mobile dust extractor automatically when the CARVEX is switched on
The cordless pendulum jigsaw in a Systainer³ can also be seamlessly integrated into bott vehicle equipment for easy transportation from the workshop to the construction site. Systainer³ products are compatible with one another and can be connected to all previous Systainer generations, mobile dust extractors and many other system accessories, such as roll boards or the mobile workshop
Main applications:
Cut-outs for sinks and kitchen hobs
Trimming work on furniture, kitchens, for interior fitting
Cutting circles and curves
Coping end strips
Cutting workpieces to length
Edge notching on beams
Cutting from below
Convenient working with dust extraction - Bluetooth battery pack automatically starts Bluetooth-compatible mobile dust extractor in AUTO mode


    BP 18 Li 4.0 HPC-ASI battery pack, rapid charger TCL 6, jigsaw blade set: 1 x WOOD FINE CUT S 75/2.5 and 1 x WOOD UNIVERSAL S 75/4 FSG, splinterguard, Systainer SYS3 M 187
    Hier finden Sie weitere Details zum Hersteller
    • 技术特点 Battery voltage (rated voltage) 18 V
      Stroke rate 1 000 - 3 800 min⁻¹
      Pendulum cover adjustment in stages 4.00
      Cutting depth in wood 120.00 mm
      Cutting depth in NF metals 20.00 mm
      Cutting depth in steel (soft) 10.00 mm
      Battery capacity 4.00 Ah
      Product weight without accessories 1.80 kg
      Transport weight incl. accessories 5.72 kg
      Drive type Battery
      Technology Bluetooth®
    • 噪音和振动参数 Sawing chipboard: Uncertainty (vibration) K 1.50 m/s²
      Sawing chipboard: A-weighted sound power level, LWA 99.00 dB(A)
      Sawing chipboard: Standards series EN 62841
      A-weighted sound pressure level, LpA 88.00 dB(A)
      Sawing chipboard: Total vibration average, Ah 15.00 m/s²
      Sawing chipboard: Uncertainty (noise) K 5.00 dB
    商品编号 729765
    品牌 Festool
    送货 开始 三月 2025
    € 599.00 每 piece(s)




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