Festool快速充电器TCL 6

You can't save time. But you can use it more efficiently.

适用于所有锂离子(Li-ion)电池组(CXS/TXS除外)。 你的优势。 由于采用了适用于锂离子电池组(CXS/TXS除外)的快速充电器,因此使用起来更加快捷,...
  • 由于采用了适用于锂离子电池组(CXS/TXS除外)的快速充电器,因此使用起来更加快捷,
  • 始终保持更新。LED显示屏显示剩余充电时间和充电状态
  • 有用的存储空间节省空间和安全的电缆缠绕在外壳周围 由于后侧

  • 便于墙面安装 充电电流6.0安培,输入电压220 - 240 V。
      Hier finden Sie weitere Details zum Hersteller
      • 版本 Lithium-ion (Li-Ion) replacement charger for all 10.8 - 18 V battery packs
      • 技术特点 Charging current 6,0 A
        Input voltage 220 - 240 V
        Product weight without accessories 0.80 kg
      • 适用于 Suitable for almost all lithium-ion battery packs in voltage classes 10.8 V to 18 V (with the exception of: BP-XS for CXS/TXS and MXC charger).
      商品编号 720272
      品牌 Festool
      准备发货,交货时间约为 2-4 个工作日
      € 74.90 每 piece(s)




      类型 价格 数量
      Festool快速充电器TCL 6
        € 74.90


      Festool 充电钻/起子 T 18+3 锂电钻/起子

      Festool 充电钻/起子 T 18+3 锂电钻/起子

      你的优势。 FastFix接口,适用于所有FastFix附件和CENTROTEC刀具快速 更换系统 令人信服的人体工程学设计 令人信服的人体工程学设计:短小、轻巧,具有最佳的重心 全电子扭矩调节和关闭功能,可实现精确的拧螺丝 从拧螺丝到钻孔的 切换,而无需调整设定的扭矩 高品质的锂离子电池技术,可实现最大的耐用性 无刷EC-TEC电机,带有集成的电机管理,可实现更长的使用寿命和最大的性能 最大的灵活性和经济性。可使用相同电压等级的电池组 应用领域...
      € 274.00

      计算在内增值税 含运费

      商品编号 720275

      Festool 充电式电钻/起子 C 18 锂基电池。

      Festool 充电式电钻/起子 C 18 锂基电池。

      你的优势。 无刷EC-TEC电机,带有集成电机管理功能,可实现更长的使用寿命和最高的性能 全电子扭矩调整和关闭功能,可实现精确的拧紧 操作 FastFix接口,适用于所有FastFix附件和CENTROTEC刀具 快速更换系统 从拧紧到钻孔的切换,无需调整设定扭矩 令人信服的人体工程学设计:短小轻便,具有最佳的重心 高品质的锂离子电池技术,可实现最大的耐用性 最大的灵活性和经济性。可使用相同电压等级的电池组 应用领域 家具和厨房 组装...
      € 274.00

      计算在内增值税 含运费

      商品编号 720276

      Festool CARVEX PSC 420 EB-基本型无绳摆线锯

      Festool CARVEX PSC 420 EB-基本型无绳摆线锯

      你的优势。 三重锯片导向和扭转刚性的提升杆 使其具有出色的曲线性能 台面、外底和锯片 的更换快速且无需工具 柔软的握把和符合人体工程学的设计使其易于操作 两侧的开关,在手柄的每个位置都可触及 频闪灯和强大的吸力 使其标记清晰可见 强大的牵引力使锯切过程快速进行 节约能源的低重量性2.4公斤 应用区域: 水槽和炉灶的切割工作 家具、厨房、室内 配件的装配 工作 锯出圆和曲线 切口端条 按工件 长度切割 梁的切割 从下面 切割
      € 419.00

      计算在内增值税 含运费

      商品编号 720278

      Festool 充电式摆线锯 CARVEX PSBC 420锂电EB-Basic型

      Festool 充电式摆线锯 CARVEX PSBC 420锂电EB-Basic型

      每分钟3800个冲程,强劲、节能的EC-TEC电机,保证了任何时候都有强劲、快速的锯切进度。始终保证:最高的精度--这要归功于特别开发的锤子导向器和平行可调的导向爪。它们可以作为第三个导向,使锯片不受影响地保持在轨道上。而事实上,当我们谈论顶级形态时,我们不仅是在谈论锯切效果,还在谈论我们的电池供电的摆线锯的人体工程学设计,它可以实现无疲劳、持久的工作。 你的优势。 三重锯片导向和扭转刚性的提升杆 使其具有出色的曲线性能 台面、外底和锯片 的更换快速且无需工具...
      € 415.00

      计算在内增值税 含运费

      商品编号 720475

      Festool 电池振荡器 VECTURO OSC 18 锂电 E-Basic 套件

      Festool 电池振荡器 VECTURO OSC 18 锂电 E-Basic 套件

      在轮廓上精确切割,在敏感的表面上精确引导的切入式切割,低粉尘工作,甚至在高空工作:这就是电池供电的VECTURO OSC 18所代表的意义。StarlockMax工具架保证了在没有工具的情况下快速更换工具。而无刷EC-TEC电机带振动解耦功能,确保了最大的工作进度和高度的舒适性。与深思熟虑的附件和抽吸附件的互动,使VECTURO成为一个智能系统解决方案,以满足对性能、舒适度和精确度的最高要求。 你的优势。...
      € 659.00

      计算在内增值税 含运费

      商品编号 720967

      Festool无绳冲击扳手TID 18-基本型

      Festool无绳冲击扳手TID 18-基本型

      紧凑的动力装置以其极其坚固的打击机制和巨大的耐久性给人留下深刻印象。最新一代无刷EC TEC电机和电池组的完美互动,确保了最大的性能和持久性。此外,TID 18带有1/4英寸的刀架,只在螺丝上转动,而不是在手腕上转动:切向冲击机制确保了这一点,而不会产生任何耗电的反向扭矩。此外,机器重量只有960克,可以实现无疲劳、持久的工作。...
      € 285.00

      计算在内增值税 含运费

      商品编号 729379

      Festool无绳冲击扳手TID 18 HPC 4.0 I-Plus

      Festool无绳冲击扳手TID 18 HPC 4.0 I-Plus

      紧凑的动力装置以其极其坚固的打击机制和巨大的耐久性给人留下深刻印象。最新一代无刷EC TEC电机和电池组的完美互动,确保了最大的性能和持久性。此外,TID 18带有1/4英寸的刀架,只在螺丝上转动,而不是在手腕上转动:切向冲击机制确保了这一点,而不会产生任何耗电的反向扭矩。此外,机器重量只有960克,可以实现无疲劳、持久的工作。...
      € 519.00

      计算在内增值税 含运费

      商品编号 729381

      Festool Cordless drill C 18 HPC 4,0 I-Plus

      Festool Cordless drill C 18 HPC 4,0 I-Plus

      Enjoy full flexibility when drilling and screwdriving: the completely electronic torque adjustment, CENTROTEC quick-change system, as well as angle attachment, eccentric attachment and depth stop can handle any drilling or screwdriving...
      € 575.00

      计算在内增值税 含运费

      商品编号 729391

      Festool 电池振荡器 VECTURO OSC 18 锂电-基本型

      Festool 电池振荡器 VECTURO OSC 18 锂电-基本型

      在轮廓上精确切割,在敏感的表面上精确引导的切入式切割,低粉尘工作,甚至在高空工作:这就是电池供电的VECTURO OSC 18所代表的意义。StarlockMax工具架保证了在没有工具的情况下快速更换工具。而无刷EC-TEC电机带振动解耦功能,确保了最大的工作进度和高度的舒适性。与深思熟虑的附件和抽吸附件的互动,使VECTURO成为一个智能系统解决方案,以满足对性能、舒适度和精确度的最高要求。 你的优势。...
      € 399.00

      计算在内增值税 含运费

      商品编号 720966

      Festool Cordless freehand cutting system DSC-AGC 18-125 FH EB-Basic

      Festool Cordless freehand cutting system DSC-AGC 18-125 FH...

      For healthy work, the dust extraction attachment conveys over 95% of the dust directly to the mobile dust extractor - ideal for dust-free cutting of mineral materials indoors. The open design enables a clear view of the cutting line,...
      € 529.00

      计算在内增值税 含运费

      商品编号 729722

      Festool Cordless insulating-material saw ISC 240 HPC 4,0 EBI-Plus-XL-FS

      Festool Cordless insulating-material saw ISC 240 HPC 4,0...

      No matter whether freehand or guided with guide rail and stop system, whether working on roofing, scaffolding or flooring, with insulating material made of mineral fibres, natural fibres or PUR insulating boards - the ISC 240 impresses...
      € 1,090.00

      计算在内增值税 含运费

      商品编号 729729

      DICTUM Rockabilly T-Shirt, XXL型。

      DICTUM Rockabilly T-Shirt, XXL型。

      € 599.00

      计算在内增值税 含运费

      商品编号 729760

      Festool Cordless drill T 18+3 HPC 4,0 I-Plus

      Festool Cordless drill T 18+3 HPC 4,0 I-Plus

      Enjoy full flexibility when drilling and screwdriving: the completely electronic torque adjustment, CENTROTEC quick-change system, as well as angle attachment, eccentric attachment and depth stop can handle any drilling or screwdriving...
      € 575.00

      计算在内增值税 含运费

      商品编号 729771

      Festool Cordless insulating-material saw ISC 240 HPC 4,0 EBI-Plus

      Festool Cordless insulating-material saw ISC 240 HPC 4,0 EBI-Plus

      No matter whether freehand or guided with guide rail and stop system, whether working on roofing, scaffolding or flooring, with insulating material made of mineral fibres, natural fibres or PUR insulating boards - the ISC 240 impresses...
      € 809.00

      计算在内增值税 含运费

      商品编号 729728

      Festool Cordless pendulum jigsaw CARVEX PSBC 420 HPC 4,0 EBI-Plus

      Festool Cordless pendulum jigsaw CARVEX PSBC 420 HPC 4,0 EBI-Plus

      With this, even tight curves feel like straight lines. With 3800 strokes per minute, the high-performance, energy-efficient EC-TEC motor gives you powerful, fast sawing progress every time. Always guaranteed: Utmost precision thanks to...
      € 599.00

      计算在内增值税 含运费

      商品编号 729765

      Festool Cordless pendulum jigsaw CARVEX PSC 420 HPC 4,0 EBI-Set

      Festool Cordless pendulum jigsaw CARVEX PSC 420 HPC 4,0 EBI-Set

      With this, even tight curves feel like straight lines. With 3800 strokes per minute, the high-performance, energy-efficient EC-TEC motor gives you powerful, fast sawing progress every time. Always guaranteed: Utmost precision thanks to...
      € 849.00

      计算在内增值税 含运费

      商品编号 729766

      Festool Cordless percussion drill TPC 18/4 I-Basic QUADRIVE

      Festool Cordless percussion drill TPC 18/4 I-Basic QUADRIVE

      Powerful. Versatile. With four gears for every application. With the best switching concept you have ever operated. Whether you are working on wood, metal or masonry - thanks to the axial impact feature that can be switched on: The TPC...
      € 339.00

      计算在内增值税 含运费

      商品编号 729762

      DICTUM Rockabilly T-Shirt,大号。

      DICTUM Rockabilly T-Shirt,大号。

      € 459.00

      计算在内增值税 含运费

      商品编号 729758

      Festool Cordless insulating-material saw ISC 240 EB-Basic

      Festool Cordless insulating-material saw ISC 240 EB-Basic

      No matter whether freehand or guided with guide rail and stop system, whether working on roofing, scaffolding or flooring, with insulating material made of mineral fibres, natural fibres or PUR insulating boards - the ISC 240 impresses...
      € 509.00

      计算在内增值税 含运费

      商品编号 729727

      Festool Cordless angle grinder AGC 18-125 EB-Basic

      Festool Cordless angle grinder AGC 18-125 EB-Basic

      The powerful AGC 18 cordless angle grinder is dust-resistant and long-lasting thanks to the enclosed brushless EC-TEC motor and protected electronics. The continuously adjustable speed of 4500 to 8500 rpm ensures that cutting and...
      € 389.00

      计算在内增值税 含运费

      商品编号 729720

      DICTUM Rockabilly T-Shirt(小号)。

      DICTUM Rockabilly T-Shirt(小号)。

      € 359.00

      计算在内增值税 含运费

      商品编号 729756

      Festool Cordless oscillator VECTURO OSC 18 HPC 4,0 EI-Plus

      Festool Cordless oscillator VECTURO OSC 18 HPC 4,0 EI-Plus

      Precise cutouts on the scribe mark, precisely guided plunge cuts on delicate surfaces and working with minimal dust generation, even above head height: This is what the cordless VECTURO OSC 18 stands for. Furthermore, the StarlockMax...
      € 559.00

      计算在内增值税 含运费

      商品编号 729763

      Festool Cordless delta sander DTSC 400 3,0 I-Plus

      Festool Cordless delta sander DTSC 400 3,0 I-Plus

      The new ETSC 125, RTSC 400, DTSC 400 cordless compact sanders ensure unparalleled mobility and ease of movement when working. The powerful 3.0 Ah 18 V Bluetooth Ergo battery pack guarantees power similar to that of a mains-powered tool....
      € 599.00

      计算在内增值税 含运费

      商品编号 721368

      Festool Cordless hammer drill BHC 18 HPC 4,0 I-Plus

      Festool Cordless hammer drill BHC 18 HPC 4,0 I-Plus

      With vibration damping, an ergonomic C-shape and weighing only 2.5 kg (incl. 4.0 Ah Li-HighPower Compact battery pack), the BHC 18 cordless hammer drill combines maximum performance with low weight - for powerful and effortless drilling...
      € 699.00

      计算在内增值税 含运费

      商品编号 721382

      Festool Cordless hammer drill BHC 18-Basic

      Festool Cordless hammer drill BHC 18-Basic

      With vibration damping, an ergonomic C-shape and weighing only 2.5 kg (incl. 4.0 Ah Li-HighPower Compact battery pack), the BHC 18 cordless hammer drill combines maximum performance with low weight - for powerful and effortless drilling...
      € 359.00

      计算在内增值税 含运费

      商品编号 721404

      Festool Cordless circular saw HKC 55 5,0 EBI-Set-FSK 420

      Festool Cordless circular saw HKC 55 5,0 EBI-Set-FSK 420

      Whether on the roof or on firm ground, whether you are making reproducible angled cuts and guided cuts in combination with the FSK cross-cutting guide rails and the FS guide rails or precise mitre cuts - the HKC 55 cordless circular saw...
      € 1,019.00

      计算在内增值税 含运费

      商品编号 721407

      Festool Cordless edge sander ES-ETSC 125 3,0 I-Plus

      Festool Cordless edge sander ES-ETSC 125 3,0 I-Plus

      How many hours have you spent toiling with a sanding block? How many edges have you already sanded through? How often have you had to replace an edge, losing valuable time? Every edge is different. Sometimes it is sawn or routed,...
      € 695.00

      计算在内增值税 含运费

      商品编号 721403

      Festool ETSC 125, 3.0 I-Plus无绳随机轨道砂光机

      Festool ETSC 125, 3.0 I-Plus无绳随机轨道砂光机

      新的无线紧凑型磨床RTSC 400, DTSC 400, ETSC 125在工作时提供了独特的移动性和自由度。...
      € 599.00

      计算在内增值税 含运费

      商品编号 721406

      Festool Cordless circular saw HKC 55 5,0 EBI-Plus-SCA

      Festool Cordless circular saw HKC 55 5,0 EBI-Plus-SCA

      Whether on the roof or on firm ground, whether you are making reproducible angled cuts and guided cuts in combination with the FSK cross-cutting guide rails and the FS guide rails or precise mitre cuts - the HKC 55 cordless circular saw...
      € 819.00

      计算在内增值税 含运费

      商品编号 721408

      Festool Cordless percussion drill TPC 18/4 I-Basic QUADRIVE

      Festool Cordless percussion drill TPC 18/4 I-Basic QUADRIVE

      Powerful. Versatile. With four gears for every application. With the best switching concept you have ever operated. Whether you are working on wood, metal or masonry - thanks to the axial impact feature that can be switched on: The TPC...
      € 639.00

      计算在内增值税 含运费

      商品编号 721474