The Anarchist's Design Book

The Anarchist's Design Book
Most of the American furniture we celebrate as the pinnacle of design is overbearing,...
Most of the American furniture we celebrate as the pinnacle of design is overbearing, over-embellished and a monument to waste and excess. These are precious pieces that are auctioned, collected, reproduced and written about in exhaustive detail. »The Anarchist's Design Book« is an exploration of furniture forms that have persisted outside of the high styles that dominate every museum exhibit of the last 200 years. Some of those historic furniture forms have been around for almost 1000 years. They are simple to make. They have clean lines, and can be shockingly modern. This book explores 11 of these forms - a bed, dining tables, chairs, chests, desks, shelving - and offers a deep exploration into the two construction techniques used to make these pieces that have been forgotten, neglected or rejected. Apart from the plans this book also gives you the road map for designing your own pieces.
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    在 DICTUM 在线购买 Sonstige 的产品。
    • 656
    • 装订方式 hardcover
    • 插图 大量黑白照片和图画
    • 格式 203 x 254 mm
    • 语言 English
    • 发行人 克里斯托弗-施瓦茨
    商品编号 713039
    品牌 -
    准备发货,交货时间约为 2-4 个工作日
    € 53.20 每 piece(s)




    类型 价格 数量
    The Anarchist's Design Book
      € 53.20