Pégas Scroll Bandsaw SRP13 DUAL

The SRP13 DUAL bandsaw by Pégas combines two machines in one - scroll bandsaw and standard...
The SRP13 DUAL bandsaw by Pégas combines two machines in one - scroll bandsaw and standard bandsaw.
Switching between the classic blade guide and the Pégas precision guiding system takes just a few minutes.
Scroll bandsaw: Equipped with the world’s finest and most precise saw blades, this bandsaw enables intricate woodworking, comparable to what is typically achieved with scroll saws. The specially developed precision guiding system for this machine features roller bearings with guide grooves tailored to the respective scroll bandsaw blade. This ensures that the ultra-thin scroll bandsaw blades, ranging from 1.02 to 3 mm in width, are perfectly guided, prevented from twisting, and capable of performing the most delicate cuts, even for complex shapes and tight radii of less than 2 mm.
Standard bandsaw: When converted and equipped with the included standard blade guide, blades ranging from 6 to 16 mm in width can be used. The wider and sturdier saw blades also enable rougher cutting tasks and rip cuts as well as creating straight kerfs. This machine offers all the features typically expected from a bandsaw. The solid cast iron table can be tilted from -5° to +45° and contains a 19 mm T-slot for guiding the supplied mitre gauge (-60° to +60°). The rip fence made of aluminium profile has an integrated magnifying glass for better reading of the mm/inch scale.
Further advantages:
  • The machine including the two doors is completely made of sheet steel
  • Safety switches on the doors prevent the machine from operating when a door is open
  • The on/off switch with undervoltage release prevents unintentional operation
  • Two blade speeds ensure optimal work results
  • Balanced aluminium wheels with rubber coating
  • High self-weight, approx. 70 kg, for excellent stability and smooth running


    • Scroll bandsaw blade No. 9 (2305 x 1.34 x 0.44 x 2.43 mm)
    • Scroll bandsaw blade No. 12 (2305 x 2 x 0.5 x 2.85 mm)
    • Two bearing guides (each with a guiding groove for bandsaw blades No. 9 & No. 12)
    • 12.5 mm standard bandsaw blade
    • Table inserts for fretwork, 2 pieces
    • Parallel fence
    • Mitre gauge
    • Sheet steel base frame
    • Push stick
    • Operating tool
    Hier finden Sie weitere Details zum Hersteller


    High-quality saw blades made in Switzerland.

    • Made from first class carbon steel
    • Heat-treated after setting the teeth, to provide optimum toughness and flexibility
    • Perfect tooth alignment
    • Suitable for manual use and in machines

    • 电机电压 230 伏/50 赫兹
    • 吸收的功率 750 W
    • 切削速度 360 和 720 米/分钟
    • 最大切削高度 175 mm
    • 不带挡块的最大切割宽度 310 毫米
    • 带挡块的最大切割宽度 245 毫米
    • 锯条长度 2300 mm
    • 最小/最大锯条宽度 1 to 16 mm
    • 工作台规格 500 x 400 毫米
    • 工作台高度 1035 毫米
    • 工作台倾角 -5 至 +45°
    • 滑轮直径 320 毫米
    • 抽吸管接头直径 100 毫米
    • 规格(长 x 宽 x 高) 1625 x 890 x 700 mm (incl. base frame)
    • 重量 70 公斤
    • 规格 1625 x 890 x 700 mm (incl. base frame)
    商品编号 716427
    品牌 -
    货运代理好 - 无库存 - 商品 可用

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    € 1,199.00 每 piece(s)




    类型 价格 数量
    Pégas Scroll Bandsaw SRP13 DUAL
      € 1,199.00
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