Festool Cordless percussion drill TPC 18/4 I-Basic QUADRIVE

Pure power, controlled in four gears.

Powerful. Versatile. With four gears for every application. With the best switching concept you...
Powerful. Versatile. With four gears for every application. With the best switching concept you have ever operated. Whether you are working on wood, metal or masonry - thanks to the axial impact feature that can be switched on: The TPC is extremely durable and, thanks to its brushless EC-TEC motor, has extreme resilience and endurance. The large number of attachments, combined with perfectly matched accessories, make the QUADRIVE an unrivalled percussion drill for a wide range of possible uses. What about your hand twisting dangerously if the tool suddenly jams? Our intelligent kickback stop minimises the risk of this happening. Give it a go: The best drill that Festool has ever built!
Your advantages:
  • Powerful for work with screws and drills with larger diameters, rapid for clean work progress when working with small diameters. Maximum performance: Thanks to the extremely powerful, brushless, and therefore long-lasting, EC-TEC motor. Robust: Resilient four-speed metal gearbox, also fully covered by the comprehensive support provided by Festool Service. For an even wider range of applications: Axial impact function that can be activated for drilling into masonry. The QUADRIVE with four gears for every working situation: From screwdriving with 50 Nm torque in first gear to precise drilling at 3600 rpm in fourth gear. Versatile: Thanks to the FastFix interface, quick conversion without the need for tools for drilling, screwdriving, angular drilling and angular screwdriving. The depth stop and eccentric adapter also enable depth-limited screwdriving close to edges. Flexible cordless system: For applications with high power needs, the 4.0 Ah Li-HighPower Compact battery pack provides the ideal powerful, compact and lightweight solution The 5.2 Ah battery pack is the right choice for even more power for particularly difficult drilling and screwdriving applications Fully covered: Needless to say, the comprehensive support provided by Festool Service also applies to battery packs. Convenient: The work area is optimally lit by LED lighting that can be switched on - can also be controlled via the Work App. Mobile: The QUADRIVE comes in a Systainer³ and so can be seamlessly integrated into bott vehicle equipment for easy transportation from the workshop to the construction site
Main areas of application:
Production of wooden substructures, frame structures. Installation of doors and windows. Drilling and screwdriving in wood, metal and plastic. Drive screws into wood up to 10x300 mm. Drilling in wood up to 70 mm with Forstner drill bits. Drilling with impact in brickwork or masonry


    电池组BP 18 Li 4.0 HPC-ASI,电池组BP 18 Li 5.0 ASI,快速充电器TCL 6,CENTROTEC工具夹头WH-CE,CENTROTEC磁性钻头座BH 60 CE-Imp,FastFix快速行动钻夹头13 mm KC 13-1/2-MMFP,钻头PZ 2,附加手柄,皮带夹,Systainer SYS3 M 187
    Hier finden Sie weitere Details zum Hersteller
    • 技术特点
      • Drive type Battery
      • Battery voltage 18 V
      • Gears 4
      • Idling speed, 1st gear/2nd gear 0 - 500/0 - 800 min⁻¹
      • Idling speed, 3rd/4th gear 0 - 2350/0 - 3600 min⁻¹
      • Max. number of strokes 57600 min⁻¹
      • Drilling diameter, wood/steel 70/13 mm
      • Drilling diameter in brickwork 10 mm
      • Torque adjustment 1st/2nd gear 2 - 20/2 - 20 Nm
      • Max. torque, wood/steel 50/75 Nm
      • Chuck range 1.5 - 13 mm
      • Battery capacity 4,0/5,2 Ah
      • Weight with battery 1,9/2,0 kg
    • 噪音和振动参数 Drilling in metal: A-weighted sound pressure level, LpA 63 dB(A); Drilling in metal: Uncertainty (noise) K 5 dB; Fastening: Total vibration average, Ah 3 m/s²; Drilling in metal: Standards series EN 62841; Drilling in metal: Uncertainty (vibration) K 1.5 m/s²; Drilling in metal: Total vibration average, Ah 3 m/s²; Drilling in metal: A-weighted sound power level, LWA 74 dB(A); Fastening: Uncertainty (vibration) K 1.5 m/s²; Fastening: Uncertainty (noise) K 3 dB; Fastening: A-weighted sound power level, LWA 71 dB(A); Fastening: Standards series EN 62841; Fastening: A-weighted sound pressure level, LpA 60 dB(A)
    商品编号 721474
    品牌 Festool
    准备发货,交货时间约为 2-4 个工作日
    € 639.00 每 piece(s)




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