By Hand & Eye

The principles of great design

By Hand & Eye
This book provides a deep insight into the world of architecture and design. Instead of complex...
This book provides a deep insight into the world of architecture and design. Instead of complex formulae with magical names like the golden ratio, the authors present simple ubiquitous proportions that were already used in crafts before the industrial revolution. The key to great design is mastering these basic principles. Besides the exercises, the book provides many examples and encourages readers to use simple geometry for better design. The principles described in the book are applied in nine contemporary projects that anybody can recreate.
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    在 DICTUM 在线购买 Sonstige 的产品。
    • 186
    • 装订方式 hardcover
    • 插图 colour illustrations on every page
    • 格式 152 x 228 mm
    • 语言 English
    • 发行人 George R. Walker, Jim Tolpin
    商品编号 713990
    品牌 -
    准备发货,交货时间约为 2-4 个工作日
    € 53.50 每 piece(s)




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    By Hand & Eye
    By Hand & Eye

    商品编号 713990
      € 53.50