


€ 32.00

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商品编号 721073

Ausbildung und Fährte

Ausbildung und Fährte

The search for injured game is a requirement of animal protection and the most demanding task for hunting dogs. Bloodhounds are therefore the only breed used for this work and require special training. Providing tried-and-tested training...
€ 25.00

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商品编号 731668

Das Revierbuch

Das Revierbuch

This handy notebook provides 1000 ways to precisely record all observations in your territory, making it an indispensable companion for every hunter. 500 roe deer and 50 roe buck portraits, in which the respective form of the trophy can...
€ 18.00

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商品编号 714403

Die Schweißarbeit - Mit Fährtenschuheinarbeitung und Führungstechniken

焊接工作 - 跟踪鞋培训和引导技术

Tracking injured game with a dog is a basic tenet of animal protection and hunting ethics. Following the scent trail is one of the most difficult tasks of a hunting dog and requires thorough training. In this standard work, seasoned...
€ 50.00

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商品编号 714402

Fährten- und Spurenkunde


The ability to recognise tracks, traces and other typical evidence of game is indispensable knowledge for a hunter. In a clear and compact way, this guidebook conveys the basic knowledge of searching for tracks and traces when hunting....
€ 20.00

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商品编号 714401

Grundwissen Jägerprüfung - Das Standardwerk zum Jagdschein

狩猎考试的基础知识 - 狩猎执照的标准作业

The standard textbook for preparing for a hunting licence - now updated and extended. It provides a practical overview of all topics relevant for the exam. The compact presentation of the examination material, extensive illustrations and...
€ 34.00

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商品编号 714400

Hege und Bejagung des Schwarzwildes - Mit Lautbeispielen für die Lockjagd


The effective management and proper husbandry of wild boar has become a touchstone for hunting and hunters. Experienced hunting practitioner and wild boar expert Norbert Happ informs about all aspects of wild boar management and...
€ 32.00

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商品编号 714399

Jagdpraxis Reh- und Rotwild - Mit Profitipps zum Erfolg


The husbandry and management of roe and red deer are among the main tasks of a hunter. Based on current knowledge, the renowned and acknowledged hoofed game expert Kurt Menzel provides information on everything that the practitioner...
€ 26.00

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商品编号 714398

Lebensraum Jagdrevier - Erkennen - Erhalten - Artgerecht Gestalten

狩猎场栖息地 - 认识 - 保护 - 为物种进行适当设计

Contemporary game conservation by hunters today means above all the preservation and appropriate enhancement of semi-natural habitats for game. Michael Petrak's guidebook provides detailed instructions for habitat analysis and...
€ 39.00

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商品编号 714397

Schuss- und Jagdtagebuch


Record all important and memorable events in your hunting area! Hunters use hunting diaries to documents their own hunting bag. Careful shooters record the details of their shoots. The beautiful »Schuss- und Jagdtagebuch« elegantly...
€ 18.00

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商品编号 714396

Die nächtliche Pirsch auf Schwarzwild

Die nächtliche Pirsch auf Schwarzwild

Like many other hunters, the author describes the native wild boar as something mystical and mysterious. Every experienced hunter knows perfectly well that wild boars sometimes move silently like ninjas and can beam themselves from one...
€ 19.99

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商品编号 715029

Das Wildkochbuch - Wildrezepte mit allerlei aus Wald und Wiese

Das Wildkochbuch - Wildrezepte mit allerlei aus Wald und Wiese

In the game cookbook by HALALI editor Ilka Dorn, the passionate hunter shows that game is in season all year round. Enjoy 80 versatile game recipes with all kinds of foraged delicacies from forest and meadow. Accompany the author through...
€ 39.95

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商品编号 731663

Jetzt verstehe ich die Bäume

Jetzt verstehe ich die Bäume

Each double-page spread is lovingly designed and makes you want to get involved with nature and trees. A book that brings young and old closer to our forests in a very vivid way. »Jetzt verstehe ich die Bäume« explains the special...
€ 12.99

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商品编号 715427

Wildküche - Einfache und schmackhafte Rezepte für das Beste aus Wald und Feld


»Wildküche« is a recipe book for amateur chefs, hunters, connoisseurs and anyone who wants to rediscover game dishes. The book shows how this organic and sustainable meat can be prepared in a versatile and, above all, tasty way - in...
€ 35.00

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商品编号 731695

Erfolgreiche Blattjagd - Erfahrungen eines Praktikers


Over the years, the author Siegfried Erker has acquired a wealth of experience in rut hunting. He shot his first rutting buck over 40 years ago as an 8-year-old under the guidance of his father, who has since passed away. In his richly...
€ 32.00

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商品编号 731696

Raubwild - Zeitgemäße Bejagung


Predatory game is spreading more and more, despite all the restrictions caused by civilisation. Hunting it is a must for experienced hunters and an opportunity for young hunting licence holders. Individual predatory game species such as...
€ 32.00

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商品编号 731697

Pirsch- & Schusszeichen - Lesen & interpretieren


If the game has not dropped dead on the shot site or nearby, the hunter must be able to interpret the game’s shot reaction and read their stalking signs. How does an animal leave signs? Which signs does an animal leave at the shot site?...
€ 20.00

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商品编号 731698

Der Jungjägerguide

Der Jungjägerguide

Budding young hunters usually have similar questions when starting out: Which type of training makes sense for me? Do different types of training have advantages or even disadvantages? How do I get to know other hunters in my hunting...
€ 24.95

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商品编号 715037



对烹饪和狩猎的热情在此融合,创造出令人振奋的愉悦。作者根据狩猎年的月份,精心挑选了 12 种野味菜谱,并将其编排成 12 份富有创意的多样菜单,激发您的烹饪灵感。烹饪野味菜肴的不寻常窍门以及许多充满野味知识的有趣狩猎短文,让读者对我们的野味以及锅碗瓢盆中的野味有了更深入的了解。关于火烹饪和野味烧烤的 "特辑 "不仅会让猎人和户外爱好者心跳加速。
€ 29.90

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商品编号 715000



€ 24.90

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商品编号 715001