Wood Surfaces: Treating them Right!

Wood Surfaces: Treating them Right!
In this course you will work out suitable finishings on samples which you can then use for your...
In this course you will work out suitable finishings on samples which you can then use for your individual wood projects!
  • Colouring, staining and glazing - How do I have to prepare the wood, how and with what do I have to grind it? When by using a machine and when by hand? What is to be done when there are stains of glue, scratches and dents? What does soaking the surface mean and what is it for? Which stain is the right one? Or is it better to glaze? What is the difference? What is a positive, what is a negative stain? How to stain new wood looking »old«?
  • Oiling, waxing and varnishing - Which finishing on raw wood, which on stained wood? When do I use oil and wax, or varnish? How do I prime the wood? Which surface goes with softwood, which with hardwood and why?
  • Polishing with shellac, cellulose and nitro - What is the difference between a shellac and a nitro polish? When and how am I able to polish shellac by myself? How do I recognise old shellac surfaces? How do I remove them and when is it necessary? How do I have to prime the surface to polish it?
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    Melanie Kirchlechner

    Cabinetmaker, restorer and sculptor Melanie focuses on the unrestrained use of wood as a material. She encourages and supports her students in making their dreams of wood come true! She also gives an insight into her creative work by writing for technical publications.Melanie Kirchlechner

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    KURSORT München

    Raus aus dem Büro - rein in die Werkstatt!

    Getreu diesem Motto werden in der DICTUM Kurswerkstatt München speziell an die Bedürfnisse der Großstadt angepasste Handwerkskurse angeboten. Teilnehmer lernen in Semester- und Abendkursen den sicheren Umgang mit Maschinenwerkzeugen und setzen das Erlernte in Projektkursen um.

    DICTUM Kurswerkstatt München
    Haager Str. 9 - vierter Stock
    81671 München

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    Eindrücke vom Workshop - Kompaktkurs Holzoberflächen behandeln

    Entdecken Sie in unserer Bildergalerie Eindrücke vom Workshop. Alle Aufnahmen wurden in den jeweiligen Workshops in vergangenen Terminen erstellt.

    Einblicke in vergangene Workshops

    • Warunek Keine.
    • Kursdauer 1,5 days
    • Hinweis inkl. Material.
    • Teilnehmerzahl 10
    • Język kursu Deutsch
    • Prowadzący Melanie Kirchlechner
    • Course Time Day 1: 6 pm - 9 pm
      Day 2: 9 am - 6 pm
    • Datum 10.05 - 11.05
    • Seminarort Haager Str. 9 IV. Stock, 81671 München
    Numer kursu KU2392501
    249,00 € na uczestnika

    z VAT

    Wiele innych wariantów
    Kursnummer Beginn Ende Ort Cena  
    Numer kursu: KU2392404
    Początek: 07.12.2024
    Koniec: 08.12.2024
    Miejscowość: München
    Cena: 249,00 €
    Numer kursu: KU2392501
    Początek: 10.05.2025
    Koniec: 11.05.2025
    Miejscowość: München
    Cena: 249,00 €
    Numer kursu: KU2392502
    Początek: 25.10.2025
    Koniec: 26.10.2025
    Miejscowość: München
    Cena: 249,00 €