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Marquetry in the Style of André Charles Boulle

Marquetry in the Style of André Charles Boulle
After an introduction to the Boulle fret-saw technique, each student will craft various veneer...
André-Charles Boulle, cabinetmaker to the royal court in France, perfected the technique of marquetry in the 17th century. Because the materials used in his work were so precious, the offcuts were also used as "negatives", which was possible thanks to the introduction of the forerunner to the fret saw.
After an introduction to the Boulle fret-saw technique, each student will craft various veneer pictures based on a template or their own design. This produces multiple copies (positive and negative) of the chosen motif in the same run. Students can use a scroll saw or a coping saw and different veneers ore metal as they wish.
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    Kirstin Lang

    Kirstins work focuses on preserving the structure, recovering the usability and restoring the surfaces of antique furniture. In her own workshop, the qualified joiner, wood turner and restorer is dedicated to restoration, combining the latest technical knowledge with traditional work methods.Kirstin Lang

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    KURSORT Niederalteich

    Eine Oase des traditionellen Handwerks!

    Nur ca. 15 Autominuten vom Stammhaus in Plattling entfernt, verkehrsgünstig an der Autobahn A3 Richtung Passau gelegen, bietet sie ideale Voraussetzungen für ungestörtes, kreatives Arbeiten.

    Die ehemalige Stallung der Abtei Niederalteich ist mit

    • Bankraum,
    • Drechselwerkstatt,
    • Schärfraum,
    • Maschinenraum,
    • Küche und Sanitärräumen bestens gerüstet.


    St. Ursulaweg 19
    94557 Niederalteich

    Weitere Infos zum Kursort Niederalteich
    Tutaj znajdziesz wspomnienia z kursów
    • Warunek Keine.
    • Kursdauer 2 Tage
    • Hinweis inkl. Material (30 €).
    • Teilnehmerzahl 8
    • Język kursu Deutsch
    • Prowadzący Kirstin Lang
    • Course Time 9.00 - 18.00 Uhr
    • Datum 15.07 - 16.07
    • Seminarort St.-Ursulaweg 19, 94557 Niederalteich
    Numer kursu KU2282401
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