Bock auf Wild - Wildrezepte authentisch und lecker

The ultimate cookbook for hunters and game lovers. Game is sustainable because it is produced...
The ultimate cookbook for hunters and game lovers. Game is sustainable because it is produced regionally and seasonally, and it promises healthy and unadulterated indulgence. Be inspired by authentic game cuisine and get out into nature with Markus Bitzen. From tasty sauerbraten from the leg of wild boar, to a classic saddle of venison with herb topping, to fancy wan tan from the wild goose, the chef shows you what you need to pay attention to during preparation so that the dishes are guaranteed to succeed. »From nose to tail« is a special concern for him, because each part of the animal has its value and a different, but always sensational taste. As a hunter, Markus Bitzen is just as concerned about sustainable hunting and considered shooting as he is about the subsequent processing of the hunted animal. As a game chef and restaurant owner, he knows how to conjure up particularly delicious and aroma-rich dishes from these treasures of the forest.
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    Kupuj produkty firmy Sonstige online w DICTUM.
    • Strony 175
    • Rodzaj oprawy hardcover
    • Ilustracje illustrated throughout in colour
    • Format 210 x 260 mm
    • Język German
    • Wydawca Markus Bitzen
    Numer artykułu 730794
    Marka -
    Dostępny od ręki, czas dostawy ok. 2-4 dni roboczych
    25,00 € na Szt.
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    Bock auf Wild - Wildrezepte authentisch und lecker
      25,00 €