Festool guide rail FS 1400/2-KP

Perfect for guiding the machine in any position.

Invented and perfected by Festool: The guide rail with adhesive pads. Allows users to make...
Length 1400 mm.
Invented and perfected by Festool: The guide rail with adhesive pads. Allows users to make straight and precise cuts when carrying out horizontal work on floors or work surfaces, as well as for applications on walls. Easy to secure of different surfaces using the adhesive pads. It is easy and practical to transport two guide rails since they can be inserted above the Systainers carrying handle. The FS/2-KP guide rail is available in lengths of 1400 mm and 1900 mm.
Your benefits:
Secure grip: The guide rail with adhesive pads - precise and safe sawing even in difficult positions
Practical to transport - the guide rail can inserted above the Systainers carrying handle
Splinter-free cuts - the rubber lip right at the scribe mark prevents the edges from splintering even with angled cuts
Coating for smooth running on the machine
The adhesive cushion strip protects the workpiece surface from being damaged
Main applications:
Guide rail with adhesive pads -for a secure hold and no slipping when carrying out horizontal work on floors or work surfaces, as well as for applications on walls
Cutting sheet materials to size, cutting doors to the required length, cutting recesses in kitchen worktops and splitting tenons
The guide stop for routers ensures precise and straight grooves
Straight cuts with the jigsaw in wood up to 20 mm thick
Additional groove for use with accessories permits additional applications
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    Leidenschaft für Elektrowerkzeuge - zu Ihrem Vorteil. Festool entwickelt hochwertige Elektrowerkzeuge für professionelle und anspruchsvolle Anwender. Seit der Gründung des Familienunternehmens im Jahr 1925 haben Qualität und Innovation oberste Priorität. Über 300 Patente und mehr als 80 Preise für Produkte und Unternehmen beweisen, dass sich die Konzentration auf das Wesentliche lohnt.

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    *) Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Registrierung nur durch den Endkunden exklusiv in MyFestool erfolgen kann!

    Numer artykułu 729867
    Marka Festool
    Dostawa Koniec Marzec 2025
    163,00 € na Szt.
    (682,20 PLN)
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