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Container with Lid using Openwork Technique


17.12 - 18.12.2024

Günther Friese

St.-Ursulaweg 19, 94557 Niederalteich

389,00 € na uczestnika z VAT

Informacje o Tobie

The special allure of this technique lies in the crossing grooves that create a grid-like structure. Once the basic shape has been turned out - e.g. a container lid - concentric grooves are made in regular intervals from one side using a specially ground engraver. After setting the mid-point when working the opposite side, attractive openwork is created that can vary depending on creativity and clamping techniques. A particular feature is the appearance of equally wide and deep recesses and clamping the turned part without the need for expensive equipment and special chucks. This filigree technique is particularly suitable for designing the container lid, flat bowls or jewellery trinkets.