
Carving in the Slöjd tradition

»Karvsnitt« describes techniques for carving triangle chips, fingernail cuts, lines, and letters....
»Karvsnitt« describes techniques for carving triangle chips, fingernail cuts, lines, and letters. You will also discover which types of wood, knives and tools you need to get started and how to paint your finished work. The book offers 15 projects, ranging from simple decorations on knife handles and signs to more sophisticated objects such as boxes and combs. »Karvsnitt« not only imparts practical knowledge but also offers insights into the ancient Slöjd folk art, providing fascinating, detailed descriptions of the traditional meanings behind the various patterns and symbols.
    Plus d'informations sur le fabricant


    Acheter des produits Sonstige en ligne chez DICTUM.
    • Pages 192
    • Relié Couverture rigide
    • Illustration Numerous colour photos and sketches
    • Format 180 x 245 mm
    • Langue Anglais
    • Editeur Jögge Sundqvist
    N° art. 760209
    Marque -
    Expédition immédiate, délai de livraison : 2 à 4 jours en Allemagne
    43,00 € par pièce(s)

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    N° art. 760209
      43,00 €