The Art of Violin Making

Anyone involved in the art of violin making will love this large-format reference book. It...
Anyone involved in the art of violin making will love this large-format reference book. It focuses on the individual steps professionals use in violin making. The accompanying drawings, detail photographs and descriptions make the violin making process easy for amateurs to understand. A presentation of great past and present makers with their instruments, glossary, trade directory and notes on various instrument collections complete this unique book.
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    Acheter des produits Sonstige en ligne chez DICTUM.
    • Pages 253
    • Relié Couverture rigide
    • Illustration over 400 photographs and illustrations
    • Format 220 x 305 mm
    • Langue Anglais
    • Editeur Chris Johnson et Roy Courtnall
    N° art. 713445
    Marque -
    Expédition immédiate, délai de livraison : 2 à 4 jours en Allemagne
    93,09 € par pièce(s)

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    The Art of Violin Making
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