Schmieden lernen

Schmieden lernen
The ideal textbook for learning to forge from scratch. Descriptions and technical instructions...
The ideal textbook for learning to forge from scratch. Descriptions and technical instructions covering the entire forging process. The book describes the construction of a simple forge, continues with the production of the necessary tools and then explains the basics of the blacksmith's craft. In further chapters the art of forging an axe, the secrets of Damascus forging and the production of knives and everyday objects are dealt with in detail. All this takes place in a dialogue between a contemporary blacksmith and his inquisitive apprentice.
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    Acheter des produits Sonstige en ligne chez DICTUM.
    • Pages 208
    • Relié Couverture rigide
    • Illustration 300 b/w illustrations
    • Format 210 x 240 mm
    • Langue Deutsch
    • Editeur Karl-Gunnar Norén, Lars Enander
    N° art. 714415
    Marque -
    29,90 € par pièce(s)

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    Schmieden lernen
    Schmieden lernen

    N° art. 714415
      29,90 €