Werkstatt unplugged - 11 Projekte mit Herz, Hand und Hobel

Here everything is made by hand!

Werkstatt unplugged - 11 Projekte mit Herz, Hand und Hobel
An increasing number of woodworkers prefer to work exclusively with hand tools. Tom Fidgen builds...
An increasing number of woodworkers prefer to work exclusively with hand tools. Tom Fidgen builds customised furniture, working without electricity and with hand-selected woods. The unique collection of projects in this book ranges from a workshop bench to a distinctive retro-style index card cabinet, which is transformed into a storage cabinet for kitchen utensils. Sections on adhesives and surface treatments are just as much a part as instructions for constructing hand tools - using hand tools.
    Plus d'informations sur le fabricant


    Acheter des produits Sonstige en ligne chez DICTUM.
    • Pages 240
    • Relié Couverture rigide
    • Illustration Des illustrations et des dessins en couleur sur chaque page
    • Format 210 x 280 mm
    • Langue German
    • Editeur Tom Fidgen
    N° art. 714348
    Marque -
    Expédition immédiate, délai de livraison : 2 à 4 jours en Allemagne
    34,00 € par pièce(s)

    Prix T.T.C


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