Lederflechten Grundkurs

Beim Lederflechten handelt es sich um eine alte Kunst, die früher in Reiterkreisen weit...
Beim Lederflechten handelt es sich um eine alte Kunst, die früher in Reiterkreisen weit verbreitet war, inzwischen aber kaum noch Verwendung findet. Beim Anfertigen eines 4-fach rundgeflochtenen Lederarmbands erlernen die Kursteilnehmer sämtliche Grundkenntnisse des Lederflechtens. Aus 4 oder 6 Lederstrings und den dazu verwendeten Grundknoten, wie dem Türkenbund, dem Spanischen Ringknoten und dem Terminalknoten, fertigen wir ein fein geflochtenes Lederarmband mit passendem Zierknoten.
    More information on the workshop instructor

    Arno Buck

    Arno sets himself the highest standards in all his craft work, and that includes his hobbies of leatherworking and knife making. It was while stitching knife sheaths that he discovered his passion for leatherworking, which has had a hold on him ever since. His projects, often combined with wickerwork, are characterised by clear, modern designs, often using unusual materials.Arno Buck

    More information on the workshop location

    Workshop-centre Niederalteich

    A haven for traditional crafts!

    A mere 10 minutes drive from our company headquarters in Plattling, it is situated idyllically between the river Danube and the Natural Reserve Bavarian Forest and offers ideal conditions for undisturbed creative work.

    The former stable of the Monastery Niederalteich is optimally equipped with

    • Bench room,
    • Turning workshop,
    • Sharpening room,
    • Machine room,
    • Kitchen and Sanitary rooms.


    St. Ursulaweg 19
    94557 Niederalteich

    More info on our Workshop location Niederalteich

    Workshop impressions


    Impressions of our course - Leather Braiding

    Get a picture of the workshop in our image gallery. All images were created during the particular courses at previous dates.

    Impressions of previous workshops

    • Qualification Keine.
    • Duration 2 Tage
    • Info zzgl. Material (ab 40 €) wird vor Ort abgerechnet.
    • Participants 8
    • Language Deutsch
    • Instructor Arno Buck
    • Course Time 9.00 - 18.00 Uhr
    • Date 24.09 - 25.09
    • Location St.-Ursulaweg 19, 94557 Niederalteich
    Workshop no. KU5532502
    €309.00 per participant

    Prices incl. VAT

    Many other models
    Course No. Start End Location Price  
    Kursnnummer: KU5532502
    Start: 24.09.2025
    end: 25.09.2025
    Location: Niederalteich
    Price: €309.00