It is well known for every violin maker, that fitting of new pegs is a time consuming process. None of the parts of the violin must be fitted with an accuracy of +/- 0.02 mm except pegs in the peg-hole.

The Herdim® Peg System

herdim peg systemThe pegs are supplied in standardized shank diameters and different sizes, based on recommendations of leading violin makers. The required accuracy in dimensions is obtained by using the finest grade ebony only which was slowly kiln dried and processed on computer controlled precision turning machines. So the diameter tolerances in the delivery state can be kept below 0.2 mm.
The Herdim® Peg System brings a reasonable breakthrough in the peg-fitting process.

How does it work?


  1. Slight final shaving with the Herdim® system peg shaper By a slight final shaving with the Herdim® system peg shaper the system pegs are trimmed to the end diameter within a pre-cision of +/- 0.02 mm.
  2. Prepearing the peghole with Herdim® reamers The peghole is prepared with the same accuracy by using the calibrated stop rings on the Herdim® reamers.
  3. Quick and reproducible peg-fitting Matching the points 1 and 2, we receive a quick and reproducible peg-fitting.
Diameter of the shaft
Diameter of the shaft


  1. Diameter of the shaft in supply state, measured at the collar.
  2. Final diameter of the shaft, after trimming, measured at the collar.
  3. Distance between collar and pegbox of the finished and fitted peg.


For shaving Violin 4/4 thin (finished diameter 2 = 7.2 mm) and Cello 4/4 thin (finished diameter 2 = 11.7 mm) should be used Violin 4/4 standard Cello 4/4 standard Herdim system pegs.