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Sanding belt guide extends the range of application of the DICTUM® Bandsaw BS 200-08
Material, tools and various manufacturing methods
What marking tools can I use besides pencils and marking knives?
Can the Japanese joint »sumi isuka tsugi« be crafted with a milling machine or circular saw? A re-port on our experience.
How to fit Kutzall burrs, cup rasps and discs on angle grinders and the like
Making decorative wooden eggs with a circle cutter
Practical workshop helpers for less than 20 euros
The right saws and cutting techniques
See better and work more accurately with good lighting
Improved tool hack from the internet brings organisation to the workshop
Vacuum cleaners, workshop vacuum cleaners, mobile dust extractors and extraction systems: which jobs are they best for?
Measure distances, check angles and mark out wood joints — all with a single tool!
Bandsaw Boxes - A Creative Weekend Project for the Pre-Christmas Season
Glue quickly and cleanly
In the following, we introduce various white glues and the tasks for which they can be used
Perfect your sharpening setup with DICTUM's Sharpening Buddy
What do ricassos, bolsters and heels do? Avoiding common mistakes
Why should knives be sharp? How to use a knife correctly. How do I clean rustproof and non-rustproof knives? How do I care for my knives?
Versatile helpers in the workshop - proper use of wedges!
You can rescue your leather item with these tricks
Tags: Leather, Surfaces
The saw blade of the Dozuki Kami No Utsuwa is as thin as a sheet of paper
The right screw for every task. Construction, selection, and usage.
What to consider when choosing grinding guides for plane blades and chisels
Mix your own wood preservative with linseed oil for outdoor use
How to find the right jig for your tools and knives
Get to know the MFT modular system for extending, clamping and formatting.
The right circular saw blade for every material
The belt grinder exdevice BS 50/55 turns the DICTUM low-speed grinder into a sharpening station
Using classic instrument pegs to make elegant ebony furniture handles
Concave cutting edges require convex sharpeners
Jigsaw blades for different tasks and materials
Sign and decorate workpieces quickly and easily
Things to know about traditional techniques
Tags: Basics, Joints
After a long winter, there are many tasks that should be done in the spring.
How to put together a basic equipment of hand-guided and stationary machines
Getting started with »hand-held carving«
Mini project from plywood scraps, quickly built
What to do if the marking is not visible when planing?
Application of the Multi T-track Clamping Device
Mobile bottle carrier stool for home or on the go including seat.
Watering your garden properly is an art in itself. To avoid damaging your plants, there are a few things you need to know.
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