Online-Course Sharpening high-quality knives

Online-Course Sharpening high-quality knives
The course »Sharpening high-quality knives« is aimed at anyone who likes sharp knives and would...
Online course
After your booking has been successfully processed by our customer service, you will receive an access link by e-mail which allows you to attend the workshop online on our course platform.
The course »Sharpening high-quality knives« is aimed at anyone who likes sharp knives and would like to sharpen their high-quality knives themselves - no matter if you are an amateur chef, professional or hunter, or know and love the benefits of sharp knives for other reasons. With a little patience and the right know-how, you will quickly be able to resharpen your knives. On this course you will also learn how to deal with problems such as nicks or a missing knife tip and what the limits are in sharpening knives. With the right technique and a set of sharpening stones, your knives won't stay dull for long in the future.
We recommend the following sharpening equipment for participation on the course*:
  • Basic Sharpening Set (No. 711107) or Shapton Glass Stones Set (No. 711615)
  • DMT Dia-Sharp, Coarse (No. 705358)
  • Sharpening Stone Holder (No. 711101)
  • Spray Bottle, 1 l (No. 800593)
  • Magnifier (No. 717497) or Pocket Microscope (No. 717317)
  • Camellia Oil (No. 705280)

Optional, for treating rusty blades:

Optional, for sharpening special blade shapes (e.g. with a serrated edge):
  • DMT Cone File (No. 705392) or King Conical Slipstones (Nos. 711401, 711402, 711403)
    * All tools are to be seen as examples and can be replaced by other tools with the same function.
    Hier finden Sie weitere Informationen zum Kursleiter

    Peter Lanz

    Bereits während seines Völkerkundestudiums arbeitete der gelernte Schreiner als Kulissenbauer bei den Fernsehstudios München. Langjährig war er als selbständiger Kunsttischler unter anderem in der Gewerkehalle München tätig. Seit über 15 Jahren gibt er sein umfangreiches Wissen als Mitarbeiter des DICTUM Workshop-Teams in Kursen zum Schärfen, der Lederbearbeitung und natürlich zu handwerklichen Techniken der Holzbearbeitung weiter.Peter Lanz

    Hier finden Sie weitere Informationen zum Kursort
    Hier finden Sie Impressionen
    • Voraussetzung None
    • Kursdauer The learning content prepared for the online course is presented in detail with numerous illustrations and tables (24 pages), and in videos with a total playing time of 50 minutes. Course documentation can be downloaded and completes the course offer. You will have six months to work through this content at your desired pace.
    • Kurssprache English
    • Kursleiter Peter Lanz
    • Seminarort Online course
    Kursnummer KU405OE
    49,00 € pro Teilnehmer

    inkl. MwSt.

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    Viele weitere Varianten
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    Kursnnummer: KU405OE
    Ort: Online
    Preis: 49,00 €