Making Shoji

Making Shoji
Masterpieces of Japanese craft culture. In this book, Toshio Odate explains how to make a...
Masterpieces of Japanese craft culture. In this book, Toshio Odate explains how to make a Japanese sliding door, from layout to gluing on the paper. Having been trained himself as a tategushi (sliding-door maker) in Japan, he gives insight into this traditional craft with great expertise and explains the process comprehensibly.
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    Buy Sonstige products online at DICTUM.
    • Pages 120
    • Binding paperback
    • Illustrations 217 b/w photographs and 51 drawings
    • Size 210 x 280 mm
    • Language English
    • Publisher Toshio Odate
    Číslo výrobku 713470
    Značka -
    Skladem, dodací lhůta cca 2-4 pracovní dny
    27,50 € pro piece(s)
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    Making Shoji
    Making Shoji

    Číslo výrobku 713470
      27,50 €