Holz biegen

Holz biegen
How do you bend or deform wood? This book presents the whole spectrum of different methods. In...
How do you bend or deform wood? This book presents the whole spectrum of different methods. In addition to basic procedures and the required equipment, Wolfgang Fiwek gives an insight into all manner of workshops, from cane makers to musical instrument makers and boat builders. Readers will also find practical and individual solutions used by different manufacturers and craftsmen to bend wood.
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    Buy Sonstige products online at DICTUM.
    • Pages 192
    • Binding hardcover
    • Illustrations illustrated throughout in colour
    • Size 210 x 276 mm
    • Language German
    • Publisher Wolfgang Fiwek
    Číslo výrobku 713624
    Značka -
    Skladem, dodací lhůta cca 2-4 pracovní dny
    42,00 € pro piece(s)
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    Typ Cena Množství
    Holz biegen
    Holz biegen

    Číslo výrobku 713624
      42,00 €