Good Work: The Chairmaking Life of John Brown

Good Work: The Chairmaking Life of John Brown
This book offers insights into John Brown's fascinating life as a chairmaker and hand tool...
This book offers insights into John Brown's fascinating life as a chairmaker and hand tool artist, along with his philosophical approach to the craft. In addition to many previously unseen historical photographs and unpublished details, author Christopher Williams documents in a chapter of photographs how to build a Welsh stick chair from scratch. This introduction to the world of John Brown's special tools, as well as many interesting details, guides the reader through the construction of a beautiful Welsh stick chair. The wonderful backdrops against which the photographs of the chairs by Christopher Williams and John Brown were taken deserve special attention.
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    Buy Sonstige products online at DICTUM.
    • Pages 208
    • Binding hardcover
    • Illustrations numerous colour photos
    • Size 216 x 280 mm
    • Language English
    • Publisher Christopher Williams
    Číslo výrobku 714428
    Značka -
    Skladem, dodací lhůta cca 2-4 pracovní dny
    51,20 € pro piece(s)
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    Good Work: The Chairmaking Life of John Brown
      51,20 €