Festool Cordless oscillator OSC 18 E-Basic-Set VECTURO

Greater precision at maximum performance.

Precise cutouts on the scribe mark, precisely guided plunge cuts on delicate surfaces and working...
Precise cutouts on the scribe mark, precisely guided plunge cuts on delicate surfaces and working with minimal dust generation, even above head height: This is what the cordless VECTURO OSC 18 stands for. Furthermore, the StarlockMax tool holder makes it possible to change tools quickly without the need for additional equipment, while the brushless EC-TEC motor with vibration isolation ensures that work can progress at an ultra-rapid pace at the same consistently high level of comfort. The interplay with the sophisticated positioning and extraction accessories makes the VECTURO an intelligent system solution for most demanding requirements on performance, comfort and precision.

Your advantages:
  • Saves time: The quick-change system with StarlockMax tool holder enables tools to be changed quickly without the need for additional equipment. Carefully designed: Optional system accessories make it possible to create precisely guided plunge cuts and saw with minimal dust generation - even when working above head height. Comfortable: Noise and vibration damping for optimum comfort while working. The anti-vibration system ensures that the housing and motor are completely isolated. Fast: Brushless EC-TEC motor with variable speed control enables work to progress as quickly as possible. Ideal in combination with the Li-HighPower battery pack: Weighing not even 600 grams, it is both 20% lighter and 50% more compact than a 5.2 Ah standard battery pack. The OSC in a Systainer³ can also be seamlessly integrated into bott vehicle equipment for easy transportation from the workshop to the construction site. Systainer³ products are compatible with one another and can be connected to all previous Systainer generations, mobile dust extractors and many other system accessories, such as roll boards or the mobile workshop. Systems get it done - compatible with battery packs from the BP 18 series

Main areas of application:
For creating notches, cutouts and plunge cuts in wood, laminated wood, painted wood, composite materials, GFRP, plasterboard, non-ferrous metals and plastics. Cutting all kinds of skirting board, beams and profiles to length as well as door frames and pipes. Scraper for removing tile cement, old paint, glue residues, silicones, carpeting and under-floor coatings. Suitable for cutting joints in marble, epoxy resin, trass, hard epoxy and cement. Removing window glass (window putty)

    Obsah dodávky

    without battery pack, without charger, OSC-AV dust extraction device, OSC-AH positioning aid, OSC-TA depth stop, OSC-A adapter, USB 78/32/Bi/OSC universal saw blade, USB 50/35/Bi/OSC universal saw blade, HSB 100/Bi/OSC wood saw blade, Systainer SYS3 M 187
    Zde najdete další podrobné údaje o výrobci



    Let our passion for power tools work for you. Festool develops high-grade power tools for professional and discerning users. Since the family business was founded in 1925, quality and innovation have been its top priority. Over 300 patents and more than 80 awards for the company and its products prove that focusing on the essentials pays off.

    Warranty All-inclusive*

    Register your power tool free of charge with the manufacturer

    By registering your new Festool tool online within 30 days of purchase, it will be fully covered for the first three years (2+1 years warranty). 36 months full repair, free of charge - Festool even replaces typical wear parts, as well as 36 months replacement in the event of theft - also applies to construction sites. 14-day money back- Are you not entirely satisfied with your newly purchased Festool tool? Then simply return the tool to us within 14 days of purchase. A 10-year Spare Parts Availability, the Repair Service, the Scrapping Premium (applies to Germany only), the Free Collection Service of tools to be repaired and further services complete the Festool after-sale service.

    *) Please note that registration can only be completed by you the customer exclusively in MyFestool!

    • Technické parametry
      • Drive type Battery
      • Battery voltage 18 V
      • Oscillation 10000 - 19500 min⁻¹
      • Oscillation angle 2 x 2,0°
      • Tool holder StarlockMax
      • Compatibility StarlockMax / StarlockPlus / Starlock
      • Battery capacity 4,0 Ah
      • Compatible with battery packs from the series BP 18
      • Weight with battery 1,8 kg
    • Hodnoty hluku a vibrací
      • Sawing: Total vibration average, Ah 5 - 8 m/s²
      • Sawing: Total vibration average, Ah min. 5.00 m/s²
      • Sawing: Total vibration average, Ah max. 8.00 m/s²
      • Sawing: Standards series EN EN 62841
      • Sawing: Uncertainty (noise) K 3.00 dB
      • Sawing: Uncertainty (vibration) K 1.50 m/s²
      • Sawing: A-weighted sound pressure level, LpA 84.00 dB(A)
      • Sawing: A-weighted sound power level, LWA 92.00 dB(A)
    Including Systainer
    Číslo výrobku 720967
    Značka Festool
    Dodávka Konec Duben 2025
    659,00 € pro piece(s)
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