Das Wildkochbuch - Wildrezepte mit allerlei aus Wald und Wiese

Das Wildkochbuch - Wildrezepte mit allerlei aus Wald und Wiese
In the game cookbook by HALALI editor Ilka Dorn, the passionate hunter shows that game is in...
In the game cookbook by HALALI editor Ilka Dorn, the passionate hunter shows that game is in season all year round. Enjoy 80 versatile game recipes with all kinds of foraged delicacies from forest and meadow. Accompany the author through the hunting year as she goes on the hunt for domestic game and the bounties of nature. Fresh wild herbs, wild berries, fruits or mushrooms … whatever the season, nature offers delicious ingredients that can be combined with new and classic game dishes.
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    Buy Sonstige products online at DICTUM.
    • Stránky 280
    • Druh vazby hardcover
    • Ilustrace illustrated throughout in colour
    • Formát 226 x 280 mm
    • Jazyk German
    • Vydavatel Ilka Dorn
    Číslo výrobku 731663
    Značka -
    Skladem, dodací lhůta cca 2-4 pracovní dny
    39,95 € pro piece(s)
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