Knihy / DVD

Die Kunst des Geigenbaus

Die Kunst des Geigenbaus

This book, written by a well-known violinmaker from Berlin has not lost any of its value over the past 70 years since its initial publishing. It provides a broad spectrum of technical knowledge, from the acoustics of the violin and...
125,95 €

vč. DPH, plus přepravní náklady

Číslo výrobku 713294



Interesting information on resins and basic materials for violin varnish and advice on varnishing. This book by the Hammerl brothers sheds light on the secretive world of violin varnishes. The major ingredients such as rosins, dyes,...
39,90 €

vč. DPH, plus přepravní náklady

Číslo výrobku 713488

Violin Varnishes

Violin Varnishes

Interesting information on resins and basic materials for violin varnish and advice on varnishing. This book by the Hammerl brothers sheds light on the secretive world of violin varnishes. The major ingredients such as rosins, dyes,...
39,90 €

vč. DPH, plus přepravní náklady

Číslo výrobku 713489

The Art of Violin Making

The Art of Violin Making

Anyone involved in the art of violin making will love this large-format reference book. It focuses on the individual steps professionals use in violin making. The accompanying drawings, detail photographs and descriptions make the violin...
93,09 €

vč. DPH, plus přepravní náklady

Číslo výrobku 713445

Geigenbauschule Mittenwald 1977-1981

Geigenbauschule Mittenwald 1977-1981

This book contains reproductions of the handwritten notes taken by master violin maker Andreas Zimmermann while attending the violin making school in Mittenwald, Germany. The notes contain step-by-step descriptions of how to make a...
29,00 €

vč. DPH, plus přepravní náklady

Číslo výrobku 713733



According to Martin Koch's „the secret of guitar making is patience“, in this book he patiently guides the amateur guitar maker through all the steps of making an acoustic guitar, from selecting the correct wood to using the proper...
27,50 €

vč. DPH, plus přepravní náklady

Číslo výrobku 713372

L`Archet: „Les Tourte“ et les Archetiers Français 1750 - 1950

L`Archet: „Les Tourte“ et les Archetiers Français 1750 - 1950

This encyclopedia documenting 200 years of French bow making is the most famous of its kind. Details of the working lives of the bow makers of the period were reconstructed and analyzed based on documents made available by various...
1 980,00 €

vč. DPH, plus přepravní náklady

Číslo výrobku 713226

Vita dAutore Note Su Otello Bignami (1914 - 1989)

Vita dAutore Note Su Otello Bignami (1914 - 1989)

A homage to the lifes work of master Italian violin maker Otello Bignami. Each of the authors contribute their most vivid memories of the famous maker, leaving the reader with a lasting impression of an artist completely dedicated to the...
25,32 € 20,22 €

vč. DPH, plus přepravní náklady

Číslo výrobku 713352

Blasinstrumentenbau im Vogtland von den Anfängen bis Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts

Blasinstrumentenbau im Vogtland von den Anfängen bis Beginn...

During the course of the 19th century the wind instrument making industry in the Upper Vogtland region of Germany developed into a highly diversified and vital part of the local economy. A large range of wooden and metal wind instruments...
115,00 € 63,13 €

vč. DPH, plus přepravní náklady

Číslo výrobku 713732

Violin Making - An Illustrated Guide for the Amateur, 2nd Edition

Violin Making - An Illustrated Guide for the Amateur, 2nd Edition

You don’t have to be a professional luthier to build a handsome hand-crafted violin. All you need are just a few common tools, wood, and the simplified violin making process found inside the newly revised and updated Violin Making....
16,05 €

vč. DPH, plus přepravní náklady

Číslo výrobku 713697

Taxe der Streichinstrumente, 17. Auflage

Taxe der Streichinstrumente, 17. Auflage

This reference volume provides an extensive listing of the estimated values of stringed instruments based on their maker and origin. It is published periodically in Germany with the help of various national and international violin...
96,00 €

vč. DPH, plus přepravní náklady

Číslo výrobku 714355