Lie-Nielsen Low-Angle Jack Rabbet Plane No. 610

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Lie-Nielsen Low-Angle Jack Rabbet Plane No. 610
Lighter than the conventional bench planes, these devices have a thicker blade and no...
A cross between the low-angle jack plane no. 62 and the bench rabbet plane no. 10 ¼, resulting in one of the most versatile planes. With its low angle and its function as a rabbet plane with nickers, this tool will expertly handle any tasks. Trueing and smoothing end grain, long grain and difficult grains both across and in the direction of the grain, and even working into corners, can now be mastered with just the one plane. You can even finish large shoulders and rails with this model. The blade sits bevel-up in the milled bed at a 12° angle. Bevel angle 25°. Results in a cutting angle of 37°.
Lighter than the conventional bench planes, these devices have a thicker blade and no chipbreaker, making them easier to set up. The blade is held in the bed with the bevel facing upwards. This makes the cutting angle easy to adjust. The plane body and blade support are cast from a single piece for greater plane stability. Bronze caps.
    Zde najdete další podrobné údaje o výrobci
    • Šířka železa 54 mm
    • Tloušťka železa 4,8 mm
    • Celková délka 325 mm
    • Hmotnost 1,66 kg
    Číslo výrobku 703816
    Značka Lie-Nielsen
    Upozorněte mě, jakmile bude zboží opět k dispozici.
    Zadejte řetězec znaků do následujícího textového pole:
    279,00 € pro piece(s)
    Včetně poukazu na ostření, dvakrát bezplatné naostření.
    Různé další varianty
    Typ Cena Množství
    Lie-Nielsen Low-Angle Jack Rabbet Plane No. 610
      279,00 €
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