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Náš workshopový tým je Vám k dispozici od pondělí do pátku od 8.00 do 19.00 hodin na telefonním čísle +49 (0)9931 4058-981.

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Na registraci

Wood Surfaces: Treating them Right!



Melanie Kirchlechner

Haager Str. 9 IV. Stock, 81671 München

145,00 € za každého účastníka vč. DPH

Fakturační adresa

In this course you will work out suitable finishings on samples!
  • Colouring, staining and glazing - How do I have to prepare the wood, how and with what do I have to grind it? When by using a machine and when by hand? What is to be done when there are stains of glue, scratches and dents? What does soaking the surface mean and what is it for? Which stain is the right one? Or is it better to glaze? What is the difference? What is a positive, what is a negative stain? How to stain new wood looking »old«?
  • Oiling, waxing and varnishing - Which finishing on raw wood, which on stained wood? When do I use oil and wax, or varnish? How do I prime the wood? Which surface goes with softwood, which with hardwood and why?
  • Polishing with shellac, cellulose and nitro - What is the difference between a shellac and a nitro polish? When and how am I able to polish shellac by myself? How do I recognise old shellac surfaces? How do I remove them and when is it necessary? How do I have to prime the surface to polish it?